McFlyLures 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 Sorry everyone that seems to like my video's, if there are any of you here. But I am done with making video's. I started this to have fun, and well it was. I posted on forums like this for advice, and took the reasonable advice (I'm not shaving my beard). I will admit I've made some rude comments to some people, and for that I apologize. However those people were not without blame either. This has gone from fun, to a form of stress in my life. I dread posting video's in fear of what kinda backlash I will receive and harassment I will get. I don't really understand, but thats ok. Im sorry for anything I have said to anyone that was possibly rude. I regret ever making a youtube channel, and regret talking in general. My state of self assurance has gotten demolished and I now let it cary into my own life. I look at myself and wonder what is wrong with me. I don't enjoy things anymore and seem to do nothing but think about the harassment I am getting. My own family reads the comments, letters I get, and see's me restoring my website weekly from hacks. My wife said she is terrified and wants me to stop. I need to stop now. Some say they have not done the harassment themselves and don't think its coming from people at this specific blog. Thats fine if you wanna believe that. I don't really care anymore. I know what I know, and I know that it doesn't matter who its coming from, only that its happening. Even if its harmless, its gonna still send me to the hospital for a heart attack. My blood pressure has been terrible, and I feel like I'm loosing my health just cause I get frustrated or worried. I am sorry to anyone that did actually enjoy watching my video's, but I cannot take it anymore. Im hoping that if the perpetrator reads this, and see's that Im not gonna post anymore, that they will leave me alone. Please do, please. I beg you. You won, I bow out, I won't make anymore video's. I thought before that if I leave and don't comment, that you would leave me alone, but thats not the case. So please, I beg you, please leave me alone now that I am making no more video's. Thanks! Good by everyone, it was nice knowing some of you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Striperknight 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 You need to get thicker skin. Its the internet where the keyboard cowboys act tough. Its been that way for years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McFlyLures 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 You need to get thicker skin. Its the internet where the keyboard cowboys act tough. Its been that way for years. No, what I'm saying is there is more than just words. Letters to my home with treats... That's not about tough skin. Also even if those are harmless joking "kinda crazy if so", they are actually getting me kicked off every forum except this that I post on as well. I take a step forward to try and make videos and start a channel, and they push me 5 steps back. I cannot keep trying to do this when someone is doing their best to stop me, you understand now??? It's anger that someone is actually doing their best to destroy any hope of getting my channel Kickstarted... Btw, please tell me how to delete my forum account? I'm sick of getting these updates and seeing them. I want to wash my hands clean of this place, so I don't go to the hospital with heart trouble. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SilverCreek 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 I don't know the particulars and I don't need to know. I do know that we should not be piling on. I wish you well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlaFly 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 out of bounds striper! I for one don't recall ever seeing anything from McFly but friendliness and professional demeanor, and some beautiful flies. It's sad to see such a nice guy subjected to abuse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
retrocarp 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 How do these people get your home address ....that's a bit bad You just need to delete the bad stuff and throw letters where they belong in the trash Listen man keep making videos if you like doing it I do mine, for my own enjoyment no one else ( mind you if someone learns something that's a bonus ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poopdeck 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 Wow, now I feel bad about my post in the "other forum" thread. Sorry. I'm going to go edit it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlatsRoamer 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 Hey Shawn, please keep making your videos. I really do enjoy them and I use them for help. Without them my flies wouldn't nearly be as good! Anyways, in case you don't answer, just know that you were a really good friend to me, I truly appreciate that. Please keep in touch with me, I'll shoot you an email if I can find it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChromeAddict 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 Damn. I don't post much but I really enjoy reading your posts and watching your videos. All the best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cold 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 First off, sorry for everything that's happening with you, and that it's spilling over into your personal life as well as your enthusiasm for things that bring you happiness. I definitely go through bouts of "why bother", but it's my own psyche and not due to the actions of others. The things you describe happening are completely out of line, and that's an unqualified statement. There's simply no excuse for threats like that. Full stop. All of that being said (again, unconditionally), some of the (much milder, and more acceptable) pushback I've seen directed your way, here and elsewhere, is likely because of your posting style. Most of the posts I've seen from you, here and elsewhere, are linking to your blog, talking about your blog, and reacting to people commenting about the material there. If that was mixed 50/50 with general participation, I think far fewer people would take issue, but the way you use the forum, it smacks a bit of simply using the site as a vehicle for self-promotion. Personally, I don't care either way. It was very mildly annoying, but one of those things that I looked, got interested, clicked on the thread, realized it was just a redirect to a blog, and closed the tab. Definitely one of those, "Don't like it? Ignore it and move on." situations. Honestly, for a long while, I thought your account here was some sort of well-disguised bot that only posted links to your blog, then allowed the person behind it to take over for discussion. Back when I was into the blogging stuff, I made sure that pimping my own site was only done as an afterthought to my presence on any board. Sure, there's no rule that dictates that, it's just what I felt was fair. If I wasn't regularly participating in a way that *didn't* push my blog, the only time I'd link is if I had a blog post that was directly relevant to an existing thread. So maybe you were getting some static due to similar feelings form someone who wasn't able to just let it go? Again, that doesn't at all, in any way excuse some of the actions you've had to deal with...just trying to help shed a possible light on why people may have been reacting negatively. Good luck moving forward! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
epzamora 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 I enjoyed your video postings. Consider involving the police. eric fresno, ca. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kentuckysteve 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 I hate to hear that you are not going to post anymore and wanting to delete your account.I have enjoyed your videos and also seen them improve.You give good advise when asked about the videos and tying flies and thats what most of us are on here for.Sorry for the trouble some a**holes are causing and best wishes to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikechell 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 Okay, so, I normally have McFlyLures blocked, and have since your blow up at my comments about your beard. I did make an initial comment about your beard on your videos, and the resulting escalation of insult/comments was rather humorous to me. But, the continued brouhaha about it is why I blocked your comments. I haven't paid much attention to your stuff since. In order to keep my "forums" board clear of highlighted (unread) notations, I have to open threads started by you, but I haven't read your stuff, just the stuff posted by others. I sometimes responded to those comments. McFlyLures, I hope you can find peace in your life. I fully believe that none of the regular members of this site are the type to "follow" you to other sites and get you kicked off. Hell, I don't even know how someone would be able to do that. I think the members of this site are some of the best people I've met online, and I think you should reconsider leaving here. Whatever persecution you are facing (which I think is despicable someone would do that) it is NOT coming from anyone here. If you do have proof of who is threatening you, do not wait ... take it directly to the police. Even if they can't do anything ... there will be a report and history if it doesn't stop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poopdeck 0 Report post Posted August 8, 2016 How do you get somebodies address from Internet postings? There is definitely a problem here. Your health is important. Is it really possible to get somebodies address from the Internet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites