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Fly Tying

Jointed foam bug

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Well that's pretty imaginative...nice job sir I like it!


FYI..just a tip...go to Hobby Lobby or Michael's and get the "Marsh mellow Foamies" and you can do that with out the glue lines.

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Can you post a picture of that foam please?

Sure..I don't have the package they came in but I just measured them and they are 1 1/8" long x 7/8" Dia. come in a package of 12 I think for like $2


Here they are at Joann's..Looked them up for you real quick


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Nicely done!


Have you thought of propellors fore & aft, and maybe even a coating of FlexCoat epoxy?

(helps keep the eyes on and gives the fly more durability, overall)

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Two bugs on the left were made with the Foamies.

I just get a very small drill bit and a Dremel Tool and hand twist the foamie on to the drill bit...then take it back off and put a tiny tiny bit of CA glue on the drill bit (keeps it from spinning loose while sanding) put it back on and sand with an Emory board...if you are going to paint them and want to get the fuzzies off the foam you will need some like 600 grit to finish them off.


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Playing with foam again


Have you fished it yet ?


Not yet. Hoping to try it this weekend.

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