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Fly Tying

Predator Vise

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Just when many would say the vise market is saturated, along comes another....




Hasn't apparently hit production, though.


What tying issues would this solve (or create) for you?


What do you think this might retail at?


Here's the long video that explains some of the features



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Personally I have no problem with trying to build a better mouse trap or in this case fly tying vise. That's how we got to this point.


What I do not understand is why so often these attempts look like they were designed by Rube Goldberg.

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Looks a little like a NorVise knock off. Does it spin like a Nor?


I have been in manufacturing for 40 years. The blue flexible line that holds the rotating hackle pliers I assume is a parachute gallows. The blue line is a coolant line know as Loc-Line. It wears out and won't hold position. I have seen it fail in less than a year.


I have the 2.5 inch Loc-Line on my drill press for my wood working dust collector. It tends to move around so it doesn't get used much.


But time will tell how well this vise system holds up.




Just viewed the You-Tube video. It does spin. Looks more like a Nor-Vise to me. Nor on roids. Plus the height of it, you probably could stand when standing. Wasn't there a thread addressing this recently?


Not for me at this time.

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Norvice with attempted improvements.

I like the "goose neck" attachment ... which WOULD be appropriate for the hook they're using.

Straight out, the center line would be for a smaller hook.


The vertical bar would be in the way if you lower the vice on it, so I don't see that as an improvement.


I like the ball and socket snake ... but it would be better if it had a bobbin holder instead of the hackle pliers style "holder".


It'll probably be way above my price line, so it doesn't matter.

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Just scored a Renzetti Special Edition SW Master Vise for $460.00(less than WS) that has only held a half dozen hooks.
I'll stick with what I have.
The only vise that would tempt me would be a C&F Reference Vise and only because not many people tie on them
and I Ilke Japanese Industrial design. And definitely not for full retail.


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I like the ball and socket snake ... but it would be better if it had a bobbin holder instead of the hackle pliers style "holder".


at about the 4 minute mark in the long version of the video he said it had a bobbin rest but he had cut that off so he could make tube flies. it is a prototype and it will be included on the finished product

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I agree, Norvise on steroids. He has some good ideas built in but I bet the cost is out of my range ( I'm pretty cheap, that is to say I don't need to pay for frills I probably won't use much and shouldn't spend the extra on to begin with at this stage of my life ).

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Thanks, flytire. I didn't watch the long version. The short version was enough for me to know I was looking at a higher-than-I-can-pay vise.

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ya i dont think i'm taking out a small loan to buy this vise


it will be interesting to see the final version and all of the claimed accessories for this vise. and the price

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I'm one of those, "if it looks cool I got to have it" kind of guys, and I think it LOOKS cool. Don't have to have it though. Anyone who has been on this site for any period of time knows to run for their lives when the subject of "which vise should I get" topic comes up AGAIN. LOL.. No vise will ever replace them all. If ten people designed what they think is the perfect vise, you will have ten different vises setting in front of you at the end of the day. It looks very stout, quality made, and I'm sure in time some people will use it and love it. Others will not. I can already feel the "lack of hook rear access" complaints coming. I wish them luck on their venture.

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I Ike the height of it. I tie on a clamp model Dyna King and always wished it was taller.

I agree with other poster that gallows tool won't last long if it's used and moved a lot


Didn't really like the guy putting down other vises with his smart ass crass attitude.

Not the best marking plan there. Kind of put me off.

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One thing I like about the Norvise (mind you, I don't have one, but I like the video portrayals) is the easy spin. Seems to be well balanced.

Again, I didn't watch the long version video, but looking at the short version, I never saw him free spin it. Construction-wise, it doesn't LOOK as well balanced.

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