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dried out, unuseable capes

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I have a number of older Metz #1 & 2 dry fly capes that have dried out. They are too brittle to wrap on the hook. Is there a way to rejuvenate the skin and the stems so they are useable again?


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You could try steaming them, don't over do it but a light steaming over maybe a tea pot and see if they respond positively.

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I had a guy in a fly shop 30 years ago tell me to use Glycerin. I just brushed a coating of it on the backside of the neck and let it soak in. Worked for me.

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I use steam a lot since I buy my feathers (necks, saddles, strung feathers) in bulk -they only get steamed when I'm ready to use them....


Get a tea kettle going strong then hold the neck in your hands into the steam. You'll quickly note that you don't want to get very close to the kettle since it's too hot - that's the idea.. You want to steam that neck (or any feathers) without burning them... Once you're done with each neck or saddle lay it out flat skin side down on paper towels (as many as needed for the amount of necks you're working with. Once it's dried thoroughly and completely (important -never put feathers in any plastic bag if they're damp....) then each neck gets it's own bag with a new piece of paper towel on the skin side to absorb any oils that the steaming process brings up to the surface and you're good to go. You'll find that those old feathers are not only brought back to life they're looking and working as well as when they were new....

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Steaming, if done gently, will not damage them. If that does not do it you can try glycerine. Another good way is to wet them with warm water and rub in hair conditioner, leave for a couple of minutes. Rinse with warm, not hot, water, and dry laying on a paper towel.




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