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Fly Tying

Favorite Fly Fishing Literature

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I've never read one of his books ... but I always liked Mcmanus' humor in his column.



If you enjoyed McManus you might like MacDougall, He writes just like back woods Maine people speak. It can be a challenge to read some of it, but this is where I learned to fish. I have met many people that are just like his characters in his books. My first book was a B-day gift that is signed by him before he passed. A good friend knew him well. I can still find some of his books on the used book sights.



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The only fiction books or stories I've ever really enjoyed that featured fly fishing were Norman Maclean's A River Runs Through It and Jim Harrison's novels and novellas. I guess it's safe to say that when it comes to reading about fly fishing, unless it's a how-to kind of thing, I prefer either non-fiction such as essays by John Gierach, Ted Leeson, and Thomas McGuane, or fiction that isn't about fly fishing per se, but that has some fly fishing in it.

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I am not a "fan" of fly fishing.


I love to fly fish, but I care very little about the "history" or the people who populate that history.


Same thing with tying. I love tying the flies I fish with. But I have little desire to tie flies just for the sake of tying them. And, again, I have little interest in the people who tied flies in the past ... just because they tied flies.


So, the only literature on fly fishing or fly tying I need, is what I can find online.


There you go again, Mike. You know, you're going to have to learn to express your opinions. Ha!

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Tom McGuane's The Longest Silence is a wonderful collection of stories. His Ninet two in the shade is probably the second best novel ever written on fishing,, second onlymto Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea. Jim Harrison's work. Guy de Valdene's books. Funny, they all fished together and were/are friends with the outdoor painter Russel Chatham. (Except for Hemingway). Trey Coombs Steelhead book. Also, the Hiistory of Fly Fishing in 50 Flies. I also liked Sylvester Nemes, John Geirach, Taply, etc. Of course the River RunsnThrough it Book and Movie. My favorite how to books are by Clouser, Krey, Jaworski, Tom Nixon, AK Best, Dave Hughes, and of course, the Fly Tyer's Reference. Becausenof open heart surgery, I haven't been able to get out (one more week!), so I have been reading a lot. I read a lot anyway, beacuse TV rots my brain after a while.

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