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L. B. Fly Tyer

What are the best clouser colors?

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Out of all these replies I get the impression that one guy uses clousers for trout and recommended two color combos.

And you're point?


" Just my casual observation ", I said. You forgot to quote that part.

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I'll add another combination. Fl. Yellow over white. I like that combo for smallmouth and largemouth bass. Olive over white works well to. Saltwater. The first two plus pink over white, deadly around here for weakfish, and light blue, light green, lavender or tan over white with silver flash to match the silversides and bay anchovies.

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I need to suspend my streamers in mid water or higher water columns. Clousers sink and you jig them,

here we go again.....

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A favorite summer color/variant is a foxxee clouser, which uses different shades of red fox fur. I add hot orange rubber legs and some gold flash, and it's one of my best crawfish patterns, for trout and SMB.

That sounds like a go for smallies and large browns that might be on crawfish. We have a pond locally that is prolific with midges but also crawfish and it has good sized browns and a good smallie population. I've often suspected that the larger browns we get around here in the winter months with dark woolly buggers on full sink line, take them as crawfish. This is a situation where if you aren't coming up with bit of rotted weed or a stick now and then you aren't getting down deep enough. But yeah, that sounds like a good clouser variant. Course I no longer fish in mid winter, but for those who do, that might be a winner here too.

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Are there times when an Olive/White would work better than a yellow/white? Sure, but I doubt the difference would be more than a fish, and if I am a catching fish on a fly, I am certainly not changing to see if another could work even better... That being said, there are times when matching naturals will work better than the crazy color combos, my personal favorite for SMB and trout-- Pink/Electric yellow.

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