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Fly Tying

Black Redfish Worm Vid!!

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Yeah, you're right Flats. I was doing it wrong.

I'll just stop watching the videos. That way, I won't have to see the errors, I won't critique them and you won't have to ignore them.

Works for me.

Hey ...


Doing nothing is not so bad!




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You don't have to be like that, I wasn't even blaming you. I was trying to prevent another war but yeah i know I know, stupid kid


And Joe, I add head cement only for other people, never for myself

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That zonker is upside down! You could even use two very skinny zonkers, one on each side? Music was crap again, i was waiting for a black pinkpanther to come on the seen!

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I before E except after C. Or weird. Or Neilson.


I noticed you wrapped back and then back over the estaz. Try making the first wrap at the tail, and then wrapping forward. Stroke the fibers back as you wrap. It will give the body a more uniform look.


Then send three to me.

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Since I was unfamiliar with this fly, I looked at some online videos to compare. The attached is one that I thought was informative with regards to the zonker strip and why it is tied in like it is.



Flats- I think your vids are pretty clear and understandable for duplicating the pattern you are showcasing. I agree with Adam that your music choices are not my cup of tea, but I can also agree with Mike, (who would have thought), that I have the option to turn down the sound since you do not talk or do a descriptive voice-over.


Your best bet in responding to any critique is to just say thank you, regardless of it being positive or negative. Take the suggestions that you feel are constructive and put them to use in your next video post.

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Looks like the small panfish jigs, usually in bright colors though and of course this is larger. The video is decent, I shut the sound off. But there is a pretty decent view of the steps you take to tie it. You're doing a decent job of it and as time goes on will only get all the better. If it's something you like doing , well a 14 yo could be doing a lot worse things than making fly tying videos, I think it's awesome !

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It's Pretty decent video compared to others I've seen. Quite easy to follow like always. My one complaint, the music man, the music! Haha not that big of deal, but I have a hard time listening to it. Unfortunately, I have a harder time listening to silence.


Like others have said already, keep practicing to keep getting better!

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Nice fly and a good clear video. My suggestion would be to include more details and explanations since you presumably mean this to be instructional. Give the length of the tail in proportion to the fly (ex. 2 shank lengths, etc). this will help others who wish to tie it in different sizes make their adjustments accordingly. If the tail length doesn't matter or is up to the preference of the tyer, say so. Like the video posted above, the tyer offers a good explanation on why the tail is tied down the bend.


One other thing I would add, that is missing from most tying videos, is if there is a way you prefer to fish it. Is it best to bounce this on the bottom to create mud puffs, keep it moving and dancing above the grass tops? Do you prefer short quick strips, long smooth strips, rapid two handed stripping, etc. Is there a reason to tie the eyes so close to the hook eye as opposed to further back like a clouser? Obviously this changes the action of the fly a bit, is this what you want or is this essential to the fly behaving properly? If so, why or how does this make the fly effective?The more information you can give about the fly and how it you prefer to fish it, the more helpful and instructive it will be. Another thing some the more experienced tyers often do that is helpful is mention possible substitutions for materials.

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Flats, if I were you I would sing myself during the fly tying videos. That'll show'em... :)


Joking aside, the music thing to me is a mute point. There is no perfect music unless you tailor the video to particular demographics, and even still...


If you still want to have music, experiment with different types:



Just make sure to give credit where credit is due.

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Again, I won't comment on the music because I watch without sound. The video is acceptable.


At .57 ... you write "tie in a short peice of zonker". It's piece ... not peice !!!




You're doing nice, short videos. Don't make yourself look like a dummy by misspelling words on them.

Why are you always correcting people on their grammar?


It's quit rude actually to call someone out in public like that in my opinion...you have no idea about their background,education ect.


I'd like to see your Internet Grammar Police badge.



Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

Thank you.



To the OP...nice Video keep it up.

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That's where I get my music from!


No I'm not singing lol

Get into other genres then. Can't make everybody happy, but the dreamy instrumental category seems to make most everybody unhappy... ;)


Would you sing on video if you get enough requests? :D

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OK... I am going to self-appoint as the head of the IGPC.

The IGPC, International Grammar Peace Corps, is an imaginary organization very recently created to mediate anywhere in the world where locals can't agree on grammar issues.

The ultimate goal of the IGPC is to avoid conflicts that can lead to grammar civil wars.

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