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Another site shut down, I think ...

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I can't. I get a database error.

And it does not look like the site had much in the way of traffic, based on 8 month old analytics.

THIS website, on the other hand... We are ranked 532,227 in the world!

Way to go, fly tiers! Let's make it 532,226...!

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I've never been to that site, but I know I have trouble keeping my fly tying site up as well. Seems like I get hacked once a month at least.

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Yeah ... and if I go looking for it on any search engine, it doesn't even show up. I believe it's been canceled.

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I remember when Joe Mathis started that site about eight years ago. There are links to it if one Googles flyrecipes.com but they all now show this:


Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQLDatabase Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL




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A serious concern for us all is the loss of digital information. Or the inability to lose it. Someone will store your embarassing photos forever, but valuable information may be lost with a single keystroke.

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try using the wayback machine website


GOOGLE "wayback machine" and insert the flyrecipes.com website

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In my experience the Wayback Machine does not do so well with sites that are build dynamically (databases in the back end, for example). Generally, older sites with static pages show pretty close to the original.


In this one I can see links to Mike's flies, but I can't actually get to the flies pages.


I am surprised Mike and other members did not get some kind of notice that the website would be shutdown.

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Surprised me, too, Bimini.

But then, I haven't actually gotten any feedback from that site. When I first started posting flies there, you had to have 3 flies submitted before you could add your information to the "tier profiles" section.

I did that, then typed up my information. But it never got added to the section. I was pretty sure, then, that whoever monitors that site wasn't very active, if at all.

But I kept adding, since I kept getting views.

And now ... it all seems to be gone.

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Call me old-fashioned (I am), but when I find something I want to ever see again, I make a hard copy. Not just flies, any kind of information. I have Wallyworld print photos of images (my printer and computer are not too terribly compatible), I copy and paste text and print it out. Comes from a lifetime of storing information before the computer took over our lives. Probably too much hassle for most folks, but it's sorta handy to be able to put a photo above the vise and tie somewhere besides at the computer. I'm still at the "monkey see/monkey do" stage, and visuals are helpful.

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Wally world here will not print copyrighted photo's.


I do copy web pages for reference and paste them to microsoft word.Then save them as a pdf file.I save them on disc.


I save fly tying recipes and guitar tablature like this.

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