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Fly Tying

November Flies from the Vise

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i dont always punctuate, capitalize, spell everything correctly, occasionally use bad grammar, mostly never use apostrophes and at times im a little lazy


so what!



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I also have been playing with small offerings. I'm calling this one Squirt.






The fishies approved. This little micro meal bagged 4 species on Saturday (crappie, bluegill, smallmout bass, and sauger).

What are you using to make it swim upside down? What type of weight?

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doesnt any body ever use the "reply to this topic" area to simply respond to a previous post, make a comment, ask a question etc etc etc? (1)


do we need to see the same photos over and over again and again? does everything need to be "quoted"? (2)

(1) I usually use the quote button because there are more posts between my reply and what I am replying to. Just like this thread.

Without the quote for context, my reply might not make sense.

(yeah, yeah, yeah ... my reply might not make sense anyway, just because it's me, but you get my point)


(2) You wrote in a later post, that the quoted material can be edited. I recommend and do this.

If I am replying to a post with a picture in it, and the picture is unnecessary, I click on it and delete it.

If I am replying only to certain parts of a post, like yours above, I will delete the sentences I am NOT replying to and sub-note those I am.


However, just like punctuation, capitalization, spelling and grammar ... most people are just too lazy to be correct.


I've been slammed before, about my desire for everyone to get better at posting.

Yes I'm too lazy to do that on my phone. Sorry... I work about 60+ hours a week, spend the other free time watching my kid at least 50+ hours a week. I sleep about 4-6 hours. I don't spend more time then needed for anything. Sorry for my laziness. Plus the phone doesn't allow to do this easily. It's possible, but not easy. Phones aren't precise as a computers mouse. My fingers end up clicking the completely wrong lines and become so tough to select correctly. Again, sorry for my laziness.

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i dont always punctuate, capitalize, spell everything correctly, occasionally use bad grammar, mostly never use apostrophes and at times im a little lazy


so what!



So ... you can't truly get on others for hitting the quote button when you don't take the time to ...

Ah, never mind ... it's a lost cause.

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So easy a cave man can do it....ah but it's too much work and I'm too lazy.


What are we going to do Mike? Put up with slef imposed ignorance I guess, oh crap there's a typo back their but I'm to lazy too go back and fix it rather then or is it than to take the time. Actually more than one typo or just plain wrong spelling if you even noticed.


Some nice flies already this Nov.

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Yeah ... sorry the thread got hijacked.

I'm on the road without my tying stuff, so I can't post anything new.

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Deep breaths guys...Deep breaths...no sense in worrying/stressing about stuff that is out of your control...and this is out of your control...learned that 20 years ago....20 years too late..Life is too short to get all worked up about grammar on the net...seriously?


We now return you to your normally scheduled program...remember that old guys?

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How about a size 10 bead head foam popper, with a peacock belly. I can't find any references where anyone has used beads on a popper face. I really like the plop this thing makes on the surface.




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Now that's a sweet looking Hornburg Norm. Versatile fly fished wet or dry.


Yeah, nice rendition ! I was catching rainbows and browns on those this spring, tied in about size 12 or maybe even 14. I was fishing with another guy that I just ran into there , turned out I knew him from some 20 years ago and he fished Hornbergs in there for years, where I never had. Well they worked, tied small, maybe 12s or 14s. I had one on my fly patch form fishing in Maine which is also my last one. So long story short, Hornbergs are on my winter tie list..

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