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Fly Tying

November Flies from the Vise

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I like them Fish Skulls Cream...I need to play around with those.


Couple modernized Thunder Creeks


Some Belly Scrtachers



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Still developing this pattern. I changed the hooks to new hooks from Ahrex Hooks out of Scandinavia....they are the predator series which has a heavier wire gauge then what i was using. The bend is similar to a B10s, but has a longer shank. These are #1 on the back and 2/0 on the front. This fly now includes a rattle on the front hook....i love the sound and the "shoulders" the additional bulk provides the flly. I am really really digging where this pattern is going.




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Kimo and Cream, those are some beautiful ties, more info on your methods would help this copycat

Video tutorial on the way thru InTheRiffle on YouTube.



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La Grate




No info on this one, only a pic; taking the fore-and-aft concept a step farther.

hook - Dai Riki 320 #12

thread - Danville 6/0 brown

tail - grizzly hackle fibers

body - turkey tail fibers

rear hackle - grizzly (undersize by 2)

middle hackle - grizzly (undersize by 1)

front hackle - brown



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Andro Stone








Found this on a NH site. Pretty much a Stimi with a squirrel tail topping.


hook - TMC 5212 #6

thread - UTC 140 woodduck

tail - elk hair

rib - x-small wire gold

abdomen - dubbing gold/tan

rear hackle - barred cream (undersize by 2)

wing - elk hair

overwing - grey squirrel tail

thorax - peacock herl

front hackle - ginger/grizzly




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I agree with Mike on using the quote button and manually deleting unnecessary things, especially photos. I also agree with flytire's desire to get rid of duplicate photos, but as Mike points out, you need the quote button to show what you're replying about.


"Reply to post (without quote)" and "Reply with Quote" buttons would make it easier, but for now we need manual edits.





doesnt any body ever use the "reply to this topic" area to simply respond to a previous post, make a comment, ask a question etc etc etc? (1)


do we need to see the same photos over and over again and again? does everything need to be "quoted"? (2)


(1) I usually use the quote button because there are more posts between my reply and what I am replying to. Just like this thread.

Without the quote for context, my reply might not make sense.

(yeah, yeah, yeah ... my reply might not make sense anyway, just because it's me, but you get my point)


(2) You wrote in a later post, that the quoted material can be edited. I recommend and do this.

If I am replying to a post with a picture in it, and the picture is unnecessary, I click on it and delete it.
If I am replying only to certain parts of a post, like yours above, I will delete the sentences I am NOT replying to and sub-note those I am.




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