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Fly Tying
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I have this material in four different colors.

It was given to me years ago in bags without any sort of info.

I was into saltwater at the time, so into the drawer it went.

It is a weave of three strands that makes a thick, very buggy cord.

Does anyone recognize it as a commercially available material?



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Looks very much like a knitting yarn with bling added.


I have a few bags of the stuff in different sizes, colors, and degrees of reflectiveness that I got to experiment with when following my wife to the craft store. Sometimes, the same product travels under different brand names. Most of it is in very large sizes and needs to be trimmed down in volume. It does make some interesting Shannon streamer bodies.



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I was sent a sample of that material a few years back - can't remember what they called it but it's probably in Wapsi's catalog... I didn't have a use for it then so like so many samples sent me it was put into storage - somewhere. If I get a chance today I'll browse through Wapsi's stuff and see if I can find it listed....

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It might be Tiffany yarn. I will have to dig into the depths of my material to find some. I used to tie a fly with it furled into a long tail- it worked very well on LMB down in the southland. If not, then it's one of many similar yarns available for cheap in a craft/sewing/knitting store such as JoAnn's.

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These were samples too. I got them because of my relation to Hook&Hackle at the time.

It is a lot looser than the chenille yarn I have seen in Shannon minnow videos, and, Rocco is right, it is almost too bulky, unless you undo the strands and use one at a time. Then it could be a buggy dubbing substitute.

The closest thing I can find in pictures is rayon chenille.

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Here is another picture, closer up.




The bottom one is a single strand, all fluffed up, and you can see the twisted core.

The top one is the material as originally received.


We will probably never find out exactly what it is. I guess it never broke through to the fly tying market.

So, the question now is... what would you do with it? And no, I don't have enough for a Christmas sweater. I am too much in the Grande size... :)

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