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Starburst Brown Shrimp

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Brown shrimp are a very common food source for many fish. I used to fish quite regularly in the gulf of mexico, and it was probably the most common bait people used out there. Many fish like redfish and seatrout love these little snack meals. This fly mimics the looks of a brown shrimp, but also with the right fishing techniques can also mimic the movement almost perfectly. You will catch lots of fish with this fly.

Hook: Gamakatsu SS15 - Size 2
Body: Starburst Dubbing - Tan
Antenna: Crystal Flash - Gold
Eyes: Mono Eyes - Pink
Thread: Ultra Thread 70 - Black

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Nice fly, good job ! We use them around here too but more like size 6- 8ish. And actually if you catch the live shrimp, they work well on smallies in fresh water.

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I really like the pattern McFly. I might be concerned about durability though. Maybe some copper wire tied in after the mono eyes and then when the dubbing is complete and crystal flash pulled back and in place the wire is wrapped forward to make it sturdy and create good segmentation? Wouldn't hardly add any time but will definitely make it last. If the thread ribbing gets bitten through then a lot of it will come apart.


Just my thoughts.





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I don't tie the schrimp because I don't fish where they might be taken these days. But the guys that do put a shell back on them, usually epoxy. When I did tie them I use poly back ( a piece of baggy material) and wrapped with 4 or 6lb mono as the rib segmentation.

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I don't tie the schrimp because I don't fish where they might be taken these days. But the guys that do put a shell back on them, usually epoxy. When I did tie them I use poly back ( a piece of baggy material) and wrapped with 4 or 6lb mono as the rib segmentation.

Good thinking with the epoxy, I could even use it to "rib" the back. Ok I'll work on this pattern a bit more, thanks for the input

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Its a good video. I prefer shrimps to fish point up so I can tease them along bottom but have yet to catch a fish on a shrimp type so maybe the fish don't like it.

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Its a good video. I prefer shrimps to fish point up so I can tease them along bottom but have yet to catch a fish on a shrimp type so maybe the fish don't like it.

Yes I like fishing them that way also... less snagging. However the only way to get a shrimp to sit point up is with weight, then it sinks less slowly. I think it depends on the situation on which is better.

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