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Fly Tying
L. B. Fly Tyer

Need a Name

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Until it catches some fish and you've recipe'd it, it's just foam and rubber legs. Don't name it 'til you've proved it.

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Mike, not only do I agree but when you slap some foam and rubber legs on a hook it's going to catch fish but why does everyone think "their fly" is deserving of a name when there are hundreds of the same thing in people's fly boxes? It takes a radical design approach that is proved special on many streams or lakes before you can even begin to consider names. Call it what ya' want, I won't steal your design.

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You could call it Elby's Smile. I bet you are going to look back on this one and smile. I also bet it will catch fish. One can catch fish on bare hooks. Gold works best, then bright silver. Back in the old days, like the 1950's, we did it fairly often. Right after we walked to and from school, up hill, both ways, with our pet tumbleweeds. OK, that last part is hyperbole, but you will catch something on that thing. Count on it.

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A hungry bass will eat just about anything. But then again, you need to see if it does catch fish.


This true... And, we will have no doubt when the fly-in-mouth photo is posted. Pretty sure LB is up to the challenge

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How do you know he hasn't caught fish on it? It doesn't matter anyway. I name flies all the time that I have never fished. Thinking of a "catchy" name is part of the fun. Don't worry about the fly tying police. Keep tying and have fun.

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How do you know he hasn't caught fish on it? It doesn't matter anyway. I name flies all the time that I have never fished. Thinking of a "catchy" name is part of the fun. Don't worry about the fly tying police. Keep tying and have fun.

I dont fish most of the flies i tie. I give them away. I just like the hobby and tying them.

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