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Fishing lanyard SBS

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Nice job Poopdeck, and it is called ornamental rope work not macramé. Ask any Boatswain Mate about their pipe lanyard. :-)

laugh.png Okay, okay ... "rope work". But I wouldn't ask a Boatswain's Mate anything !!! We all KNOW what a B. M. produces !!!


Kidding, Squids and Shallow Water Navy guys ... just kidding !!!

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Guest rich mc

there was a post about purchasing 3d eyes some low cost ma and pa website can you find it? rich

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Last week I was fishing the San Juan River in Northern New Mexico and paid a visit to the shop that McFlyLures works at. He posts in this forum and makes some good videos as well.


Anyway, as I was making my way out the door, I noted a lanyard hanging on the wall. I had seen those somewhere and thought to myself, 'Wow! One of those would really come in handy when out on the stream.' I positively hate searching for something I know is (was?) in one of the many pockets of my vest. A lot of time gets wasted searching for these 'hidden' items. With a lanyard, every important item is right at your fingertips.


Thanks so much for showing us how to make one of these.


When I was in grade school we used to use some sort of plastic lace to weave (braid?) 'lanyards' to attach your keys or whatever to. Your concept must be similar to that. I have a lot of 550 para cord that would work perfectly for this.


What a great idea. Thanks so much for this info.


Macrame ... are you kidding me?

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Your welcome patriot. i don't go fishing without mine. Most times I don't use the neck strap and just prefer looping the bottom through my wader straps.


They make great Christmas gifts for your buddies.

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Made this one a couple of years ago and use it every time I go out. Its handy having the essentials easily accessible without having to dig through pockets on the vest.


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Your welcome. You can shorten it up by adjusting the neck strap.  The padding bars will slide down the cord. Just pull it down from the bottom. When it stops push down on the top and repeat until it's as small as you need it. Kind of like an accordion. 

Or you can take the neck strap off and run your wader straps through the loops on the main bar and just hang it from your wader straps. This is how I generally use when wearing waders. 


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On 12/19/2016 at 7:03 PM, Poopdeck said:

MACRAME! What, I did MACRAME. My Grandmother did macrame. I can't believe I did macrame. Worse I publicly showed others how to do macrame. I thought I was doing some cool army thing. Crap I'm gonna have to forfeit my man card for a week. Guess I'll go fold some laundry or vacuum or something till I get my card back. Are you sure that's macrame?

Don't forget the apron.😉 When the house id clean, you will receive your man-card in the mail. We have a DVD of a man who was taught to sew by his grandmother!

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I have a great sewing machine in my arsenal that I recently used to make a custom face mask to cover a full beard. I mean my wife has a great showing machine in her arsenal that she recently used to make me a custom face mask to cover to cover a full beard. 

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