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....utc ultra thread the faster i switch back to veevus thread :(


utc thread frays just looking at it :)



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I know what you mean Norm, I have dozens of spools of thread that I had forgotton about - only to be reminded of how bad they are...once in a while, it is a nice surprise that an old "friend" ties so well!

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Well, Norm...

If you are having so much trouble with it, then there is no hope for many of us.

I thought it was me and my lack of experience with tiny flies and thin threads.

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to those who like and use it, then all is well...for THEM


its just not for ME


i still use fine thread...just not that one

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I agree that Veevus is a better thread in the smaller sizes. I use it where I used to use Benecchi 12/0.


Still, I use a lot of UTC too, but only in 6/0 and larger.

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I'm using a bit of UTC 210 (I like the color, fl. green...) but I still much prefer Danville's flat waxed -it just handles and whip finishes much smoother... I know, none of this will excite any freshwater tyers since they're not going to be using larger threads.... I think the older tying thread makers have/had a lot of experience with feedback from a bunch of folks using their products for years and years - and it shows.

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I don't have a problem with UTC but I've had the full line for over 10 years (left over store inventory). UTC 70 lays fairly flat on small flies. Products sometimes change and lose quality over time.


Benecchi's 12/0 thread is good. Griffith 14/0 is good too. Lots of good thread out there. I have never tried Veevus (came out after I closed my shop) but would like to. I read good things about it. I have a hard time buying new thread because I already have more than I'll ever use. I need to get rid of a lot of stuff I'll never use that takes up too much room.

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I don't have a problem with UTC but I've had the full line for over 10 years (left over store inventory). UTC 70 lays fairly flat for small flies. Products sometimes change and lose quality over time.


Have you tried Benecchi's 12/0 thread? Great strength for such a thin thread. I use it more than any other for small flies. Griffith 14/0 is good too. Lots of good thread out there.


That's what I like about UTC 70, lays flat and doesn't build up much. I use it a lot on smaller streamers.

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Same here, on my size 8 and smaller bucktail streamers I like UTC 70 for how it lays down but also how it pulls in the fibers compared with some other threads. But I'm not a fan of it for my midge emergers. In fact for my dry flies, midge emergers and nymphs I've gone back to Danville and mostly 6/0. Danville 6/0 is also flat but the sheen is just right. Tinsel strength I think is less on the Danville though.


Hey, I'm teaching my 10yo grand son how to tie and started him out with orange sewing thread. If he's gonna learn he also needs to know how to make do in a pinch LOL !

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UTC is GREAT thread... All threads have certain strengths and weaknesses. I, for one, don't love veevus threads much because it seems like about 20% of the spools I get are very brittle.

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The only Veevus I have used is their 200den GSP, which is my deer hair thread of choice. Seems a little stronger to me than the UTC GSP. I have broken UTC GSP, never Veevus.

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UTC is definitely not my favorite. I dislike the fraying and flossy quality of it. I do like the colors and it is easy to split.


I use Danville 6/0 for most of my tying. I'll use Benecchi 12/0, Griffith's sheer or Veevus for small stuff. Danville 3/0 or 140 when I need a little more strength and GSP for spinning/stacking deer hair.

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