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Deer hair waste management.

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Deer hair is something I do not use often. I do have belly hair in a few colors, two tones of coastal deer hair and now a premo strip that they gave me for Christmas, so I probably should start using a bit more, but the mess that it makes is what makes me not want to use it.


How do you guys manage not to have little clippings all over the bench an the floor when tying spun deer hair bugs?

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I keep a good sized trash bin between my legs under the bench. When I trim, I trim in hand for 95% of the job, not on the vise. I pinch the trash can between my legs and trim right above the trash can to keep as much of it as possible in the garbage. If I do any minor trimming on the vise, I can wipe the base off right into the trash can.

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A hand held vacuum cleaner is a good investment if you plan to tie a lot of them

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I used to trim over the trash can, but it was uncomfortable leaning over. My set up now is a kind of tv dinner trey, I guess is what you would call it. It's just a lap trey that has edges that are raised a couple inches. I can trim on my desk over the trey, then just dump it in the trash and wipe the corners with a wet rag to get the remaining small trimmings that are stuck.

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This is one of the top investments/tools I have added to my arsenal in the past several years. It comes with several attachments for keyboards and such and it sits permanently underneath my tying bench. During the winter months the static electricity will cause hair, synthetic and feather bits to land everywhere. It is a #1 Best Seller for a reason. I've had other small vacs but none hold a candle to this one.


It totally Sucks which in this case is a good thing.


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I personally use the sink as a trash bin when cutting deer hair.

Open the water full power for a few seconds prior to cutting, and the moist in the air will kind of bring all the cuttings down into a pile in the sink.

The moist also makes it easy to gather all the cuttings and throw them in the trash.



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I just trim over the table and vacuum up the clippings, usually ounce or twice in the middle of trimming. I use one of the 12v Milwaukee shop vacs best handheld vacuum I've ever used.

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I use an apron sometimes, and sometimes a big square of felt, sit it on my lap, seems like hair literally is attracted to the felt. I use a wastetroll when trimming fly while it still in vise

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Thanks for the answers. It sounds like there is no magic bullet, so I am going to have to get used to the shop vac by the bench or using my mobile tying caddy to go outside when it is nice.


I am more inclined to the latter, since I have carpet in the tying room and there is no way I will be able to get it all.


The idea of the steamy sink sounds good too. I just don't know about the looks from the familly... :)

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No help here, but that's why I don't do more with deer hair. It can't be done neatly.

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