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Hackle Addict's Question ?

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If you were to be given four gold quality capes or saddles to supplement your current inventory what colors would you choose ? Mine would be a

1. Coachman Brown

2 Rusty Dun

3 Golden Badger

4 Dark barred ginger

All capes because I love hunting for that one particular awesome hackle !


What would be on your final four wish list ?

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if i was given gold quality capes i'd probably have another heart attack :)


honey dun



medium blue dun

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I'd prefer the fancy stuff to replace some of current inventory actually. My ginger was never top grade, though suitable and it's running low and the perfect coloration. I just got two good necks, one barred medium ginger and one medium dun. But if I replaced my straight ginger, getting the exact color I have now would be the real trick.


My Coachman Brown is well picked over too.



Coachman Brown ( just the right one though, if it isn't my perfect dream hackle I'll take Grizzly, can't go wrong with grizzly).



And dyed Badger ( I have a natural, would like a more rusty one or maybe dark olive as long as we are dreaming anyway LOL)

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Well, I think maybe;




Blue Dunn



Then again, maybe;





white (I could dye it)


Then againnnnnn

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To add to what I have (not duplicating the good but not necessarily gold capes I own):




Dark Dun




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Am I to assume correctly gentlemen that you would choose capes over saddles ?

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I love feathers, I should have been a showgirl, a 270 lb. showgirl, OK maybe not.


1. Rust Dun

2. Champagne (Whiting used to have a few of these in the Hebert line)

3. Silver badger

4. Natural dun, so I could dye it, the barring would look great!


Nice thread.

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Now you said supplement my inventory. Hard to do since I have just about every color you can dye but adding to the I'd prefer better quality and size mix on





And another cree wouldn't hurt

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