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Fly Tying

Warmwater wet flies with a twist swap

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Got a dozen even plus one with a thanks for hosting tag. Must have been one of the other swaps with the mess up. Thanks for the extra by the way. i think everyone is going to have a heck of a decision to make the next time they go to tie on a wet fly.

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Got Foambugs in tonight so should have everyone's! My girlfriend has 6 more to do but we'll get them done this weekend so I can sort them and send them next week. Thanks everyone for participating. If I have time I'll try to get pictures up

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Alright guys got them all sorted and will go out in the morning. I'm an idiot and the way I was sorting I missed the last persons. Had all the envelopes sealed up before I noticed so everyone will be one fly short. I will be sending those flies to healing waters which I hope is an ok compromise. Sorry again I'm an idiot. Hope everyone likes the flies it's a very nice set. EDIT: Nevermind my girlfriend is awesome and we got it sorted. Everyone will be receiving the full set of flies.

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Please let me know when they arrive and here is a picture to hold you over until they get there.


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So where's the pic of the flies that didn't make it?


I would have just cut the seal with a razor blade and resealed it with Scotch tape.

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That's what we did mike. Didn't occur to me initially but my girlfriend suggested it so we went ahead and did it. All flies will be headed out tomorrow and the picture includes the full set I believe

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That's what we did mike. Didn't occur to me initially but my girlfriend suggested it so we went ahead and did it. All flies will be headed out tomorrow and the picture includes the full set I believe


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Looking forward to seeing these, I've done so many swaps lately I've lost track off the ones that are coming back to me.

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Happy to hear they've started arriving. I'm going to update the list to make sure everyone's gets theirs so please let me know when they arrive. Agreed vicente. It's very rare I get to chase trout but wouldn't hesitate to tie most of these on the end of the line if I had the chance to.

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Yep, picked mine up today and I'm impressed once again with the quality. Unless trout were on the smallest midges every one of these would be fitting thrown into trout water. Stressing again the great overall quality of every tie I received I have to single out the little fly by CE. What a great blend of tail, body, wings and soft hackle on a small hook. That surely would find it's way into any trout's mouth anywhere, and just maybe when they're spurning the regular offerings.


Thanks for hosting and a great bunch of flies,


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Got my flies today. They are all great looking, cant wait to get them out in the water. Thanks for hosting fly swap.

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