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Bulk fly storage

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I have nice fly boxes for when I'm on the water, but these are just a subset of what I actually own. Right now I have other cheap boxes which basically work for nymphs but not enough space for streamers and dries.


What's a cheap (even DIY) way to store all the flies waiting to be used or gifted? I'm too anal to put them in compartments where they are all loose, need to stick the hook into something for organization. Something with nice headroom that won't crush hackle. If its cheap I'm not concerned as much with efficiency.




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Go the the Flambeau website & search for "Tradesman" or "Merchant" carry cases. Then get some cheap foam & you can make your own rather inexpensively, at least for less than you can buy a CF or similar.


I store most of my bulk flies in Plano or Flambeau boxes, but I don;t mind the compartments. Put enough flies in a compartment & they don't move around much. smile.png

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4x6 picture storage boxes at Michaels. Cut craft foam to size, and I've found gorilla glue works well for an adhesive.

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I use the clear plastic Plano Boxes to store my flies. I pick them up at the local fishing flea markets. Usually they cost $1 to $3. I take out the dividers then line them with ripple foam when I run out of that I'll line them with sheet of sticky back craft store foam and glue strips of 8 mm foam to that. You can also pick up large clear plastic boxes at a craft store, most don't have dividers and line them with foam. I use them to store my larger flies. I'll leave my midges and most of my trout flies in their fly boxes.

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Cardboard, foamboard strips, glue, then you can stage them right to your boxes.



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Thanks for the replies everyone, simpler than I thought. I have a bunch of spare plastic boxes, just need to glue down some foam.

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Cardboard, foamboard strips, glue, then you can stage them right to your boxes.

Love that. I could see a few of those hanging on a peg board behind my bench (if I had a permanent space)

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Hi group,


A number of years ago we bought 4 Cordura cases at Cabela's (I think). Each case has 5 18-compartment boxes that measure about 10" wide by 12" long. We probably carry more flies than we need but ....! We keep flies separated into groups using a case-per-group arrangement - dries, wets, streamers, nymphs and warmwater. We use those boxes to "fill" our in-the-vest boxes. Take care & ...

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