breambuster 0 Report post Posted July 19, 2017 Hey, Guys, I'm finally getting around to acknowledging Wmw4's "Mooday Poodah!" Great looking pattern, very nicely tied. Wallace, you can rest assured that you now know a LOT about working with foam. This is going to be a great Bluegill pattern, and when the hoppers are on the streams, the trout are going to love it as well. A great terrestrial pattern for anything that feeds on top. Let me remind you ALL that only a little more than a week from our 1st deadline. We are hoping that all the flies will be to me by July 31. If you aren't finished yet, it's time to get to the tying table and to get busy. Take care BB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicente 0 Report post Posted July 23, 2017 Hey BB address still the same? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DManley 0 Report post Posted July 23, 2017 I will be shipping Tuesday. BB, can you message me with an address to send them to? As notorious as this swap is, I don't think I can just stick the box in the mail with "Nightmare Fly Swap" written on it and have it reach you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
breambuster 0 Report post Posted July 23, 2017 Vicente, the addy is still the same. I haven't gone anywhere. Thanks DManley, check your PM box. I'll send it out as soon as I finish this post. If I forget, remind me, but I'll try not to forget. Guys, I'm still working on the mystery fly. For some reason, this one is giving more trouble than my "worst nightmare" fly. I have somewhere around 11 or 12 of them tied so far. But I'll be there by the time the rest of the flies are in. I hope! It uses Hungarian Partridge grey feathers dyed brown. I bought a packet of what is supposed to be Hungarian Partridge dyed brown and it looks like floor sweepings. That's part of the problem. But it's also taken a while to get the pattern down, but I'm getting there. Just as a reminder, the first deadline is a week from tomorrow, so you need to be finishing things up and getting them in the mail to me. In other words "Move With A Purpose!" Take care BB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicrider 0 Report post Posted July 23, 2017 Breambuster, I share your pain on the partridge feathers. I only buy a whole partridge now from good companies. The plucked feathers you get are lucky to have a 50% ratio of quality to junk. On some other feathers I'm convinced you have to do what I did when tying flies for another swap. Call the shop, talk to the man about what you really want and prepare to pay a bit more for hand picked quality than part time help ripping them out by the handful and stuffing them in bags. A friend used one of my flies on a spin rod with a bobber for weight and got some bass on it so it should work for them anyway. Nick Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fishingbobnelson 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2017 BB, A box of possible the last fan wing flies I will ever tie is on the way. I will tell you right now the look nothing like Son's. I did send you some extras, I had to try a Fan Wing Royal Coachman just because. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicente 0 Report post Posted July 25, 2017 Got mine sent in today Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
breambuster 0 Report post Posted July 27, 2017 Two sets of flies arrived today. First, there is the H & L Variant tied by Vicente. This is a beautiful fly and VERY nicely done. It's a bit larger than I anticipated, however. Not sure if it's a Pike fly or what, but I'm looking forward to seeing if I can snag me a big old Largemouth on it. Vicente, you did a great job and I really appreciate you swapping with us. The second set if from Fishingbobnelson. Now, Bob can moan and groan all he wants to about how much he struggled with the fan wings and all of that. But, at the end of the day, he has turned in another set of professionally tied flies. Just wait until you see this one. It's a thing of beauty. Bob, I'm curious to know what kind of feather (species of bird) are these? I've never seen a feather like that before. It has a white base at the stem, a brown section in the middle of the feather and white tips. Have you ever used these feathers for hackling a wet fly? Just wonder if it would work and how it would look in that application? At any rate, you did an excellent job. Thanks to both of you. I think there are still 5 sets out, (if I counted correctly) and one set out of the five is in the mail, as far as I know. Guys, I hope you can go ahead and get yours turned in soon. This has been the longest swap that I've ever run and I'm getting ready to close it up. Thanks BB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicrider 0 Report post Posted July 27, 2017 I ran across these flies a while back and had to try my first attempts at fanwing simply because these feathers were so cool. Like the way the feathers turned out but not so much the body. From past swaps I know Bob's flies will be nicer than this and sounds like he got an unusual feather for his also. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicente 0 Report post Posted July 27, 2017 Those are cool Nick Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fishingbobnelson 0 Report post Posted July 27, 2017 Bob, I'm curious to know what kind of feather (species of bird) are these? I've never seen a feather like that before. It has a white base at the stem, a brown section in the middle of the feather and white tips. Have you ever used these feathers for hackling a wet fly? BB, thanks for the kind words. I asked Son what feather he used and he told me Wood Duck breast feathers. So I found a Wood Duck skin on EBay and bought it. the feathers are very soft, I think they would work for soft hackle wets. They are smaller than partridge. The cool thing is the range of colors from pure white to grey mixed and solid brown. The stems are VERY curvy so they need some straightening, they also break easily as my waste bag can attest. Seriously, thanks for the challenge, I would never have tried these without you doing this swap. One of the great things about the Forum, makes me a better fly tyer every swap! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fishingbobnelson 0 Report post Posted July 27, 2017 BB, thanks for the kind words. I asked Son what feather he used and he told me Wood Duck breast feathers. So I found a Wood Duck skin on EBay and bought it. the feathers are very soft, I think they would work for soft hackle wets. They are smaller than partridge. The cool thing is the range of colors from pure white to grey, mixed and solid brown. The stems are VERY curvy so they need some straightening, they also break easily as my waste bag can attest. Seriously, thanks for the challenge, I would never have tried these without you doing this swap. One of the great things about the Forum, makes me a better fly tyer every swap! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jburge 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2017 Sorry BB, I keep forgetting to post the fact that flies are in the mail. Rat-Faced McDougalls are McMailed. And is it just me, but every time I say "Rat-Face McDougall," I hear a Jimmy Cagney voice? Thanks for the challenge... I think. It was one tough tie (and I wish they were better), but I learned a LOT. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vicente 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2017 Yea BB they came out larger than I had anticipated on those size 14s which is the smallest hook I own. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dorado 0 Report post Posted July 28, 2017 Hey BB, Flies were mailed and you should get them on July 31. Sorry I was cutting it close. I wasn't happy with my Black Ghost attempts...looked like crap. So I tried to perfect a bead head black stone. Turned out much better than the ugly ghosts that I whimper out on. Guess the ultimate challenge was just that for me! Thanks for hosting and I look forward to seeing the great ties all have been challenging themselves with the past couple of months. -Dorado Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites