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Got a Summer Job... quit

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i had direct deposit for years and never received a pay stub. i preferred the paperless method


however i also had access to the companies website where i could view my pay stubs, elect my W2 withholdings, monitor my 401K plan etc

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He stated $8.10 is minimum wage in Florida and expected to actually receive about $6 an hour after with holdings. Do people NOT read everything carefully before commenting?

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I've got direct deposit, too. The company provides my electronic pay stub on a website. I always get a notification that it's available, and can then go see it whenever I want.

Flats, you should have that same capability ... provided when you signed up for "paperless" payroll.

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Islander as a direct competitor to Morgan and Morgan you have wounded me deeply. Flats if I felt robbed as you did when I was your age I would have my money in hand or my tail whipped one. Just sayin!

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Kudu ... You're a lawyer? What the heck are you doing recommending violence to a minor?

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Yes. Not recommending it at all...just grew up with very little and had to protect what was mine.

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If I were you I would request a copy of my pay stub, if you don't already have it, check the hours worked and check the witholdings against the IRS charts for taxes and others, then see just how much I am owed or not. After that, if I'm owed I would confront the manager/owner and provide proof of underpayment, then request for payment in full, (if owed). If they pay you, I would double check all further paychecks. If they don't then there is a state labor board that handles such cases in every state. You just need to keep all the paperwork to show how much you were shorted or there really is no case.

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Just think about this too FR. With your age and small amount you'll be earning in the course of the year when you file taxes next year you'll get everything or almost everything back that you pay in taxes. Not FICA but actual taxes. FICA is just a pyramid scheme which people your age are covering the "entitlement" money us old farts get sent every month for having been born back when the original pyramid scheme was concocted by good hearted Liberals under FDR founded the New Deal to give us SS, Medicare, and Disability Insurance and more good hearted liberals under Lyndon Johnson gave us Medicare so people like me get 80% of our steadily growing health costs paid by you young guys who are still being duped to think that you'll get this coverage when you retire. It actually might have worked except for hard hearted conservatives decided that everything "overpaid" in FICA deductions each year should go into their general fund pot instead of invested in interest earning accounts to pay for future payments.


There Flatsroamer, in a nutshell is why you don't get all the money you earn and why it goes to me instead. Thank you.

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Vic-very unbiased answer.I needed a chuckle

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Im late to the game but I would like to hear what happened. Did you confront him flats? If you really were shorted money I hope you did. If the tables were turned and you lied on your timecard you can be damn sure he would be "confronting" you. LOL Anyways, If this truly happened he stole your time and as you already know or will soon find out Time is the most valuable commodity you posses.

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There are billions of other applicants that can manage with the job. If you want to be the only one person who will get it, you have to use marketing technology and show yourself as a brand. Are you sure you can do that? If I were you I would let professionals do the job.Those guys really know the resume writing better. They can convince the HR manager then you are the right person.

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As a first time poster, Zimmerman, welcome to the site. However, I deleted the link you posted, since your post looks like spam.

If it's not, then you can re-post it after you've commented on a few more threads.

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If you are being cheated (low balled is not the word) and you don't report it the next kid will also get cheated. Taxes do take a big chunk each week and it may also be that the tips are legally part of the wage whether you consider it so or not. tips can be like under the table cash, hard to prove or disprove. I don't think taxes would ever take 2/3 of earnings.

I'd meet the GM, then if not satisfied go to the AG. Even if you don't get all the expected money the meeting with the GM will be an education opportunity and the AG will be alerted to keep an eye on that employer.

Personally I think tipping should be illegal, for this very reason; or it should be included in the billing and documented by the employer. Of course I also see it as demeaning to the servant, on which others don't seem to agree with me.

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