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Fly Tying
ben bell

is tenkara catching on?

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Mike may remember this from his younger days in Indiana.


In Lafayette Indiana there is a shin dig every year called The Feast of The Hunters Moon. It celebrates the areas history of the fur trappers and traders.


Everyone who participates with a booth must be in period dress and things they sell must be done in the manner of the time period.


There is a gentleman there called the Colonial Angler. He ties flies without a vise and uses a cane pole. Not bamboo but sugar cane. If I'm not mistaken some of these can be multi piece up to 17ft in length. They also used horse hair lines.

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Not sugar cane, which isn't suitable for anything but sugar and syrup. Sugar cane isn't hollow but Bamboo is, which grows freely around here and was widely used for fishing poles around here.


It's heavy, but lighter than other stuff. It also takes a set, which doesn't matter much if you're fishing with a cane pole.

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My mistake, they did use bamboo.


If you ever have chance to talk to some of the folks that delve into 1770 era fishing techniques it is interesting.

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gyeonji Now THERE'S a fishing method that deserves a special name !


I've never seen anything like that before !!!

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I read an article in a Canadian outdoor mag back in the 70's or 80's that showed Inuit women using the popcan method to catch Arctic char in a river. It was a 7-UP can and the author named it the un-reel or something like that. They could toss a lure a good distance with this setup.



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Saw a video whee a SA kid caught all kinds of fish using a beer bottle that played out line and a Mepps spinner. Good for harvesting eating fish, not for the sport I have in mind.

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