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Here's mine. In return for the view over the village green and its medieval church, I'm under strict orders to keep the study tidy! The Gerstners, which house much of my material, are a very special and deeply personal gift I received many years back.




Nice to have a large computer screen right there too, sure beats the old days of propping a book open.

Only trouble with your set up is the view out the window - too distracting! :D

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You guys have better eyesight than me, I guess. I used to have my bench in front of a window like that. The back-lighting from the window was a pain in the eyes. I needed a bright light source to offset it, or I had to wait until evening to tie.

I moved it.


And no offense, Olive_Dabbler ... I can't see enough of the "view" out that window ... but it looks like a couple of trees and another building. Not what I would deem a "distracting view".


I do like the rest of your set-up, though.

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You guys have better eyesight than me, I guess. I used to have my bench in front of a window like that. The back-lighting from the window was a pain in the eyes. I needed a bright light source to offset it, or I had to wait until evening to tie.

I moved it.


And no offense, Olive_Dabbler ... I can't see enough of the "view" out that window ... but it looks like a couple of trees and another building. Not what I would deem a "distracting view".


I do like the rest of your set-up, though.


From context, I'm guessing he's in England, so I doubt glare from the sun outside is much of a problem :D


Don't take the "distracting" comment too literally, it was intended to be a humorous compliment rather than remarking on a real risk.

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You guys have better eyesight than me, I guess. I used to have my bench in front of a window like that. The back-lighting from the window was a pain in the eyes. I needed a bright light source to offset it, or I had to wait until evening to tie.

I moved it.


And no offense, Olive_Dabbler ... I can't see enough of the "view" out that window ... but it looks like a couple of trees and another building. Not what I would deem a "distracting view".


I do like the rest of your set-up, though.


No offence taken, 500 year old buildings are a right pain to have to look at and don't get me started on thatched cottages.

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Not what I would deem a "distracting view".


No offence taken, 500 year old buildings are a right pain to have to look at and don't get me started on thatched cottages.


I'm not sure if you're being serious or not. huh.png

In my opinion, nothing built by man is worth looking at. Those 500 year old buildings, thatched roofs, the Pyramids, etc. ... all just blisters on the landscape.

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Though mine is not neater, I have made some changes.




I put a computer and a monitor in there so I can watch video tutorials and visit with you folks while I tie. (as if there wasn't already enough stuff in there)





That wreath was really cheep at Micheal's, on sale, I pluck feathers from it for some of my ties. My epoxy head spinner was made from a BBQ rotisserie, it's noisy but it works well.



I have about a dozen of these chenille cards if any one can use them. PM me your address and I will put them in the mail for you.





I put up some shelves and got some of the books and vices off of the floor, I'll do some more organizing some day.



My screen saver is a slide show of flies by you guys. Inspiration.

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I won't say nothing, Mark. Artwork, music and other personally created items ... mankind is, indeed, inventive and creative.

But ...

Buildings have no interest from me. We should've learned, centuries ago, to build underground with nothing but entrances above.

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Mark, Nice setup. Is that a GE Superradio I see in the second picture? Great radios. I've had one for years. Don't believe you can get them anymore.



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Dave, yes it is. A relic from my remote trapping days. The best radio to bring in signals from far away. I'm sure it's 25 years old. Pretty sure you can't get them anymore. I have two, one was in each of my cabins.

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What about sunlight? Don't people that live underground always become mutants? That's the way it is in the movies.


If we all lived underground we would have to build more power plants to make enough energy for all the extra lighting we would need. Wouldn't all the power plants be under ground too. And the sky scrapers would be up-side down.


What about earth quakes. You want to be underground during an earth quake. What about floods. Water tables. i could go all day. You want to? smile.png rolleyes.gif laugh.png biggrin.png tongue.png


On second thought, never mind. I guess I can find something else to do.

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