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Fly Tying

Just got a skiff!

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That is one heck of a nice flats rig. Propped right and handled right it should launch in shallow water and skim through the skinny stuff. I always loved center consoles and had a couple but bass boats then made big changes and cc bassboats were out of the picture. For having a hard time collecting on your paycheck awhile ago you've come a long ways. Would love to fish out of that baby someday for snook and baby tarpon (4-15#s). Have fun and always stay safe. Wear a preserver when on plane and make sure others do too. We had a rule in all our tourneys. On plane, no jacket. DQ, no debate.

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Thanks guys! Still got to do a couple things before my dad is convinced we're ready... him being ultra safety conscious.

Looking forward to really learning a lot about boats and the water more, this being my first boat there is plenty of room for learning. Also, just wanted to thank everyone who helped my flies get better or even bought flies from me, that is the main reason I am lucky enough to own this skiff. Not so much the money, (which I did chip in a bit), but more showing my dad I can be determined and work hard, which I already found out how much work boats are, but that's a story for another day:)

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Good looking boat. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of yours as I do out of mine.


ALWAYS wear your PFD when underway. (Get an inflatable and wear it all the time is even better)


ALWAYS clip the safety lanyard to your body when the engine is running.


NEVER assume you can't fall or be knocked out of the boat. It would suck, seeing your nice boat running off to Mexico without you.

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As soon as my kids were old enough to want to start using one of my boats by themselves I enrolled us all in a Coast Guard Auxiliary class. For me it was enjoyable working with them even though I already had my Coast Guard 6 passenger license. There should be those around you there and I think you'd really enjoy it.

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Please just use your head EVERY SINGLE TIME you are afloat. Boats have a way of bringing out the imbecile in people. Don't become a statistic, and don't be a jackass on the water.

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