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Fly Tying

Late Summer / Early Autumn Dry and Nymph Swap

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Flies are in the mail, couple extra for the swapmiester, thanks for hosting

Merry Christmas

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Ok. In the interests of expediency I am taking the second last spot with something more suited to lakes.



That meams we are still open for one more swapper. Please, i know there has to be someone keen out there!

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And I'm half way for both


10 bh hares ear for my stream contribution and


10 stick caddis for my lake contribution

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Well, I'm probably going to be the last arrival. Wish I would have had them ready when sending Santa's gift but I was just too busy getting everything straight there since my record keeping and sorting by board name vs. real name got me mixed up more than once. Have plans to cure that next year. Already looking that far ahead.


I'll get back to tying bench now and hope to send them out with the christmas rush orders. Maybe they'll go through Belize like last year's Christmas gift.

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Mine went in the post today, also sent you a half patch of the new grizzly craft fur from A.Jensen in Denmark! I know you'll make some kick ass shrimps with it! I'll be in Australia when this swap closes, so I hope it goes well!

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