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HMH TVR tying vise.....

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I wont attempt to speak for Mike or Steel but I will certainly treat the ardent HMH supporters equally. And it should be noted that Bazar is apparently in something of a debate with himself now that we have some Identities sorted out. See post number 15 above.


I consider myself a fan of HMH. I am extremely happy with their tube fly vice. It is the model that converts to a regular set of jaws and functions exactly as described and has first rate workmanship. I feel my money was well spent on that particular model. It is interesting but I recently saw a vintage HMH model for sale for $3000. If this LAW style is only the first iteration, ironically, it may be worth quite a lot on the collectors market, in the distant future. I suspect this is a situation where the marketing folks got a bit ahead of the design and engineering people. That is something I see in many American businesses, especially computer developments.


So, I encourage others with opinions differing from Mr. Bazzer, to let them fly, keeping in mind that we can dispute ideas here, and disagree, without being disagreeable.


Again this is my two cents worth and your mileage may vary.

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Like your meme, flytire.


As afterthought, maybe Bazzer had to buy to try- but he can speak for himself, obviously. I would be interested in a free-trial too, if you know how I could arrange that, I would be quite grateful.

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The only way to try one is to buy one. If the quality was better then I would be keeping it because the design is pretty good.

The reason why I have published my opinions on the vise is to help anyone else that is thinking about buying one. But it seems that some members of this forum like to flame regardless.

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I am a bit confused. There's been some opinions on the new HMH vise ... and people protecting the company form bad reviews without having tied on the vise in question. Not exactly flaming, but definitely par for long term threads on this site. Most of them seem to break down into squabbles at some point. Except for the "fish pictures" thread, that is.

Any "flaming" I've seen (or close facsimile thereof) is towards one member using multiple names to post conflicting views on the same subject.

If I followed this correctly, Bazzer69 and Barrytheguide are the same person?

Bazzer69, on back to back posts, you show pictures of your new vise ... and then say you'd never buy one because of the amount of fly tying material you could buy with the same money.


It's been an interesting read, so far. Everyone who feels offended or "flamed" ... please step back, take a breath and let the bad feelings evaporate. Otherwise, we can just lock the thread.

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"Bazzer69, on back to back posts, you show pictures of your new vise ... and then say you'd never buy one because of the amount of fly tying material you could buy with the same money."


Mikechell, that was a quote that lost the containers, see Lesg reply #2. I missed any flaming,,,


Bazzer485 My above post was meant as congratulatory to both you and HMH on an amicable solution. I appreciate your review and I imagine such reviews are invaluable to designers in planing revisions of this tool.

Almost any new to market tool will find users that love and users not so enthusiastic. Some of the items that bothered you may not bother another user, but knowing that HMH made you happy would make me more apt to take a chance with them.

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" My above post was meant as congratulatory to both you and HMH on an amicable solution. I appreciate your review and I imagine such reviews are invaluable to designers in planing revisions of this tool.

Almost any new to market tool will find users that love and users not so enthusiastic. Some of the items that bothered you may not bother another user, but knowing that HMH made you happy would make me more apt to take a chance with them."


Ditto this tjm, that is how I took your post, and how I feel about this matter. And, I apologize to anyone offended by anything I posted. Not my intent but sometimes that is result and I am always chagrined when I realize I coulda/woulda/ shoulda been a tad more careful in my submittals. TJM said it better.

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I personally don't see any reason to apologize for anything posted in this thread. If someone is insulted by this, then too bad. Get a clue. Jeez.

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How many more times must I say I am barrytheguide and bazzer69 for reasons already stated. I honestly regret posting anything about the TRV. I paid full price for one and I was frankly very disappointed with the quality although the basic design is sound. I take the criticism of me as flaming when I have done nothing wrong. If the mods want to delete any of my posts than please go ahead. Im surprised that there havent been posts by users of the TRV I for one would be welcome to read them. I dont believe I ever mentioned I could buy a lot of materials for $500, do I hear fake news?

Once again, I only offered a opinion , yours might differ.

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