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Fly Tying

Looking for panfish ideas

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For surface flies, I use Bivisibles in a variety of colors. I make them with white fronts and the back 3/4 of the fly is brown, black, olive, grey or variegated ginger. Sometimes I tie in a tail of bright red orange or yellow. I have made a few before with yellow or red hackle in the front. I also have tried "Trivisibles", (Bivisibles with a band of bright red or orange hackle between the white and the dark hackles.) I also use smaller Trudes and Stimulators in colors ranging from natural to retina searing. Almost any catskill style dry fly will work well if the color is right for the day. I never go fishing without a white or very light dry fly, a very dark or all black dry fly and an Adams.


For wet flies, I use smaller woolly worms and woolly buggers and I tie a lot of small streamers in sizes 12 and 14. I make small Thunder Creek style flies with either deer hair or calf tail. I also make Mickey Finns with bead heads on 2x or 3x nymph hooks. A real nasty trick is to tie a Mickey Finn (Or any color variation of a hair winged streamer) with a marabou tail and throat on about a size 12 nymph hook with a bead head. I have had really good luck with those when nothing is happening on the surface. I mostly fish in Northern Michigan, so if you are further South, you will want to tie them a bit larger than we do. For still, warm water a Zug Bug will also work well. For Perch, I make a Zug Bug with Marabou in the tail and a red marabou throat. We also use the "Zuggy Bugger" which is a Zug Bug without the wing and with a palmered soft hackle. (A Woolly Bugger with the body and tail of a Zug Bug) Most standard trout fly nymphs will also work on panfish. (They eat a lot of the same bugs after all.) If they don't work in a a variety of natural colors, try them in a hotter color. I always make sure I have something with reds or yellows, something black, an orange fly and something with peacock herl and sword on it. Another nice pattern can be a soft hackle spider with the blue body feathers from a Peacock. I usually carry them weighted and unweighted. I enjoy tying classic wet fly patterns, so I fish with them a lot. They all seem to work reasonably well. Panfish aren't quite as picky as trout, so as long as you have a couple of different shapes in whatever color is working well that particular day, you should be okay.


I'm not an expert by any means, but those are a few of the things I use, and I haven't scared the fish out of the local lakes yet!

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Here's some quick and easy foam bugs


Some with squrmmy legs


Lil hoppers/crickets


More squrmmies


Lil mops wit beads...ended up clipping the mop cuz missed strikes....


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Try this pattern out. Been wearing the shellcracker, bluegill, and smaller bass out with it here lately.

How is this Ekucolonel17?


I'm liking em Denduke.




& One with shorter tail


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#10 Briminator seems to catch even when they ain't bitin*. Tied using parts of one pheasant cathedral feather. This one's the last in my box, and it's taken a beating.



Hook: 8-10

Eyes: Bead Chain - black, gold or silver

Tail and Body: Fuzzy fibers from pheasant feather

Hackle: Pheasant feather

Islander...Looks like something Jack Garthside would tie.

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Try this pattern out. Been wearing the shellcracker, bluegill, and smaller bass out with it here lately.

How is this Ekucolonel17?

Looks good to me. They seem to take a pretty good amount of abuse before they start to come apart too.

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My best Subsurface Bream Bug is just some Charturese micro chenille for the body with a small tuff of rabbit fur cut off a zonker strip for a tail in white,Charturese or black. Seems to work better than marabou for me ,with a very sparse wet fly hackle in the same color variations Ill usually weight it with a couple wraps of lead or small bead chain eyes. Size 10 & 12

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Awesome everyone. You guys are always helpful when someone needs help. Now monday im going to sit down and tie a little of everything here and tuesday if the weather holds im going fishing.


Im trying to get as much time on the water as possible before june when the fiance and i tie the knot and head across pond to ireland and iceland. And yes im going to try and sneak a fly rod. Again thank you. Pictures will follow.



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One of my favorite for all panfish is a Tenkara style tied on a Circle hook, this fly is tied on a size 6.


Have a great day,



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This is one of my favorite pan fish/bass flies. It's a slider, so I can fish it top water or off a sinking or intermediate line. I usually use 2 mm to 6 mm craft foam to cut the body. I usually tie them on size 6 or size 8 hooks. Best colors are white or yellow, also tie them in chartreuse and black.





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Silver Tinsel Chenille Minnow


Hook: 2xl long down or straight eye various sizes


Thread: Red sized to hook; prefer Flymaster or UTC due to more shine


Tail: White or Chartr marabou shank length with 2 strands Flashabou or Krystal flash each side.


Body: Silver Tinsel Chenille


Head: Large red thread.


Very simple and great for panfish and lots of others.


Thanks, Bob H

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