Poopdeck 0 Report post Posted June 26, 2018 Would you prefer the ticket? Ever look into a patrol car lately. Between the computer dispatched terminal. In car camera screen, a police radio and looking around for people, addresses, and vehicles, talking on a cell phone is the least distracting. Also not illegal to talk on cell phone in PA. Perhaps he had good reason to be going 95 which I really doubt since most modern police cars are GPSed and alarms go off on the bosses terminal alerting him to things like excessive speed, rapid acceleration and deceleration, taking corners to fast and running red lights. In addition the in car cameras automatically come on when the overhead lights are flipped on and when speed is 15 mph greater then then speed limit. Perhaps he worked in podunkville. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikechell 0 Report post Posted June 26, 2018 I had a cop pass me other day doing 95+ mph ... Yep, I've seen it numerous times. They just GOTTA meet the guys at the doughnut shop ... last one there buys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikechell 0 Report post Posted June 26, 2018 Oh ... I REALLY do hate people. The person that did this should be burned alive, too. https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/43-gators-crocodiles-killed-in-building-arson-another-rare-gator-stolen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flat Rock native 0 Report post Posted June 26, 2018 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikechell 0 Report post Posted June 27, 2018 IMG_3082.PNG Yeeee haaaw !!! She's the perfect example to prove that the human race no longer follows the "survival of the fittest" rule. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steeldrifter 0 Report post Posted June 28, 2018 Blows my mind Mike is the one being told he was in the wrong Greg the people making the left turn clearly are the ones in the wrong because they are pulling out in front of traffic that has the right of way. Turning left from a divided hwy is fine but you can't pull out in front of oncoming traffic traveling 50mph, you need to wait till it is safe to do so. What Mike or the other cars do after that is irrelevant, the cars pulling out in front of people that have the right of way are 100% in the wrong. Jeez almighty why are some people trying to find a way to excuse stupid driving like that? It's common sense, you pull out in front of traffic that is at hwy speed then you are a moron and need to retake your driving test, simple as that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikechell 0 Report post Posted June 28, 2018 Thanks, Steve ... and Welcome back !!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Poopdeck 0 Report post Posted June 28, 2018 Never said he was wrong. I strongly suggested he needs to lighten up. The video is hardly a close call and in no way was it dangerous. The fact that a driver may have to slow down due to the changing conditions in front of us is nothing to get upset over. I merely pointed out that if he simply slowed when it started to unfold the situation would have been even less then it was. Instead he stuck to an unbending mindset that this is his lane, which it was, and nobody for no reason better encroach this lane while I'm in it and I'm not Taking my foot off the pedal for any reason. Next thing you know he's forced to change lanes because he didn't take his foot off the pedal in the very beginning. This mindset added to a minor situation making it worse. I dont give a crap who's right or who's wrong in a situation that started out as an ant hill but turned into a mole hill because of driver reactions. It's pretty clear to see this mindset in the video and in posts. I also clearly stated that problem is in a road that allows three cars abreast to make a left turn at the same time. I also pointed out that it's clear the person in the wrong was the red pick up truck. If you are permitted to make a left turn three abreast then the person in the first car has the right of way to any lane he likes and the red truck has to yield to him. Instead the red truck pulled a power move into the right lane to go around the first car making the left which forced him to remain in Mike's lane. If you do the math there was damn near a football field distance for him to react but for most of that he choose to do nothing because THIS IS MY LANE YOU STUPID ASS!!!!!! While he may have been in the right and someone else was in the wrong the entire situation was made worse by drivers reactions. The law does not state that's mikes lane and mikes lane only. While it is true nobody can cross in front of him it is also true that you have to drive your vehicle at speed where you can safely come to a stop due to changing conditions in front of you. The video clearly shows he had ample time and space to slow down and stop but he choose not to. It clearly shows the first car was prevented from entering a lane he was also entitled to but he was cut off from it by the red truck. It clearly shows that all drivers had some level of fault. This constant hating on people and looking for reasons to be angry with others is completely foreign to me. To take a relatively benign traffic situation and turn it into a topic of hate is foreign to me. The fact that others support this driving mindset is perplexing. We all need to relax while Driving on roadways shared with many others. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steeldrifter 0 Report post Posted June 28, 2018 Greg you know I try my best to stay neutral as much as possible here, and don't take this the wrong way because I like ya and think you're a good guy from what I can tell, but I'm just gonna come out and be honest...IMO you're full of shit. It has NOTHING to do with Mike holding his lane or any of that crap you just said. That's like blaming the victim in a crime IMO. The red truck was bad, but the grey car that pulled directly in front of him and stayed in his lane is in the wrong 100%. IT DOES NOT MATTER what Mike did after the fact. If you see it ANY other way then sorry but you're looking at something that is not even remotely correct. If you don't agree with me then no prob, but I'm simply gonna tell you your are totally off base bud and you will not change my mind on that. And I think anyone that sees that vid will agree with that one man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikechell 0 Report post Posted June 28, 2018 Okay ... I think I see a problem, Poopdeck. 1) There's no "three cars abreast making a left hand turn." The truck and the car were both coming from ONE turn lane. 2) I wasn't alone on my side of the road. The light had changed and I was in the front, there were dozens of cars coming up behind. 3) I DID take my foot off the gas. I DIDN'T put my foot on the brake immediately. Everyone had just pulled out from a green light and my immediate attention was diverted to these people turning in front of me. What the video doesn't show is me looking in my mirrors and over my shoulder to see where all the other cars were. 4) You thought I was wrong to be upset at the airboat whipping by, because the GoPro is a wide angle lens and they looked farther away than they actually were. My dash cam is a wide angle lens also ... not as much as the GoPro, but still like the right mirror, things are closer than they appear. I didn't have a lot of time to make my decisions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FIN-ITE 34 0 Report post Posted June 28, 2018 Well I live in NJ, with a 2018 best drivers by state ranked at #4 so I will weigh in on this. In NJ they have always hammered in the defensive driving way of life and as I saw the video, I would have slowed down and maintained my lane. I would also have given the aggressive driving medal to the person driving in the red truck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zip 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2018 That escalated quickly lmao Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Steeldrifter 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2018 Not really, I kept quiet for the past week or so lol....Just went I saw Mike being told he was wrong for someone pulling out in front of him....Common sense seems dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xterrabill 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2018 I wish I had a dash cam when the person changed lanes 2x then pulled into the turning only lane, then at the last second changed their mind and pulled back out in front of me and stopped for no reason in an intersection with a green light! they gave Me the ticket!!!! I was going 25 in a 35, I slowed down WAY EARLY when I seen the erratic driving, BUT I rear ended the driver, so I got the ticket for following too close!!!! this was before dash cams, the drivers son was a cop in that town. (I overheard the conversation) I think I could have beat it in court, the cop did not witness the accident, but who can take time off of work to fight it. then we both had the same insurance, so guess what the insurance company did?? even though they were convinced that it was the other drivers fault, they put half the claim onto me!! JUST LOVELY AINT IT. hugs and kisses zaphod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flat Rock native 0 Report post Posted June 29, 2018 Perhaps we could change the catchline to read: " I really do hate 1-Criminals, and 2-Rude, Insolent, Drivers, and 3-thoughtless Pinheads... I know Mike Overgeneralizes his attitude towards people and can't possibly hate them all, too much evidence to the contrary on this forum. So, applying this standard, the boat drivers fall into categories 2 & 3, the gatoraid girl is in 3, and the shithead in the red truck makes a clean sweep of all three classifications. In my jurisdiction, if observed by the cops, the redtruck would be receiving a citation for one or more traffic violations, possibly including 1 for reckless driving, which in Wyoming carries more severe penalties than 1st offense DWUI. I can't agree with any characterization of cops speeding past other speeders, or racing to the donut shops, based on my own experiences and insights. That covers several thousand cases. I have too many friends and some family in law enforcement that do not fit the stereotypes. My 2centavos, and... Common sense and Common courtesy solves many problems, causes few problems, and costs Nothing.. Just sayin' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites