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Fly Tying
Mark Knapp

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just got back from the eye doctor


no shit on the bright light. many pulses of bright light


just now regaining the sight in my right eye. dilated wide open.


the pain in the eye was like when you were dumb enough to look at the sun without a welding mask smile.png (yes they use numbing drops)


left eye in about 3 weeks


a word to the wise. control your diabetes!!


no tying today. ill probably see 3 hooks in the vise and not know which one to tie on smile.png

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I just got control of my diabetes in the past 5 years. Visit the tretna specialist every 3 months. Sounds like you had laser treatment which I've had 3 times on my right eye ( good eye ) in the past year. Has stabilized now, for the time being. I feel for you. When I have treatment I have to stay inside out of sun or bright lights for 3 days until the drug wears off or you will sunburn from the inside out. I feel for you. Take care



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thanks to all for your concern. the right eye is doing great so far


left eye to have the procedure in about 3 weeks

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I am modifying my Fly fishing vest. I just attached 3 foam strips to my vest some I can put my flies on. Now I'm working on a rack to hold my tools

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Mocking up a new anchor. The Columbia river anchor seems to be overtaking the standard grapple anchor that has been used on my slice of the Delaware river for decades. Those who made the switch swear by them so it's time I give them a try but I'm not about to pay 120 bucks for one. $0.00 sounds much better. The round bar is an old weight lifting bar. The flat bar is 1.5" by 1/4" donated to the cause by a steel working neighbor who also wants one. I got enough weight bars to accommodate him. Still working out some dimensions.



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The next few weeks I'll be filling all the jig and leadhead orders that didn't get worked on these last three months (high season for a guide working the saltwater Everglades....). Once that's done I need to do fifty to sixty bugs to re-stock for my main summer season (if you can call it that since summer in the 'glades has very, very good fishing - but I'll see few customers once the clouds of mosquitos and afternoon thunderstorms become daily fare...). They'll be small maribou flies for baby tarpon, seaducers for really shallow areas, and larger dredging patterns for August when the big tarpon come back to my areas for our "second season"....

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Vicente, well, I really didn't have time to wet a line while I was there. My PH gave me about 15 minutes to fish a small stocked water hole while we were on a break for lunch. Didn't really get a chance to really fish.


I did have a blast though. Me and my three companions were able to get 18 head of game out of the thousands we looked at. I got lots of video of amazing stuff. It was a great time.


I got a really nice crock, a zebra, an impala and a genet. They were all quite challenging to get. The wart hog and the ostrich with a bow eluded me quite handily.


Now I have to tie some flies for my up-coming fly fishing trip for halibut, ling cod, rock fish and salmon, May 28-June 4th.

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You've been busy Mark.

I noticed you are using a suppressor, are they a requirement to hunt?

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