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Fly Tying

Great Article on Whiting

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Thanks for posting that Silver! I haven't been tying long enough to remember the "Poor hackle" I hear the long timers talking about.

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Now I have a growing itch to head on up to Charliesflybox and get a new saddle or cape.

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I remember there was a run on genetic saddle hackle a few years ago, it was all the rage to weave those long feathers into girls' hair or something.


I just tried to use some of my old Indian hackle for a nymph, not having a decent hen feather for it. Horrible. Time to toss all of them and buy hen necks for the wets and keep going with the new saddles for the dries.

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Sure, I'll take a picture for you when I get home tonight. As I recall there's a brown, ginger, & maybe a black one. I've hardly used them since the late 1980's, they are old necks.


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