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Fly Tying
Gene L

Working on my Parkinson's

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Ouch. I'm 70. I don't have Parkinson's but I do have CSS, which is related to CRS. It's so hard for me to see I don't tie much anymore. I tie some but not constantly anymore, like I did for 50 years or more.


I do photography boat building and coding now. The boats are getting tough. I can't tell when the power screw driver is in the screw head anymore. So I end up with gouged fingers a lot. My current boat may be my last.


Cameras keyboards and wet fly fishing will keep me busy for a while. Small flies are history for me now. Hang in there. You're tying well.

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Those couple of barbs pointing out at the "4:30" position are the only imperfection I see.

I don't tie flies like that 1) because I don't fish with them and 2) because I can't tie them as good as your example.

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Ouch. I'm 70. I don't have Parkinson's but I do have CSS, which is related to CRS.



I'm gonna have to steal that one :D We have a bit of software at work called CSS, that is used for displaying instrument telemetry - IF you can get the darn thing configured right.... your version of it works perfectly both for that and my eyes.

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Not a bad fly at all. I have trouble getting the hackle right on mine. Yours looks better than mine, and I have good hands and do surgery .

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