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Fly Tying

Preventing feather twist

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Haha now that sounds way too easy and makes too much sense, just spin it opposite.


Similar as flytire and flicted suggested, boils down to material control.


I also appreciate Mikechell's suggestion, lol. Anyone want to buy some tenkara purple buggers?

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Am I the only one that has this problem? Any tips?


Tying up some buggers and ESLs and with the longer feathers they have a tendency to want to twist which faces the hackle in the wrong direction.


I can post examples of what I mean if it helps, but am guessing this is common and people have all kinds of tips and ways to solve it.

Hi FishnPhil,


We have a YouTube video that might help. I think the answer will be at minute 2:13 if I understand the problem. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYhbh40I4nY. Take care & ...

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I tie mine with the tip at the bend, wrapping forward to the eye. This makes the feather barbs get larger as it moves forward. The result is a better baitfish profile and the fact that they face forward results in more movement in the water without being flattened out, imitating the natural movement of the fish as it swims through the water. As far as addressing the twist, I just work with it carefully, backing and re-wrapping it as needed. If you prefer to wrap with the stem at the bend instead (which is perfectly fine, too), you can flatten the base of the quill before attaching to the hook. Sometimes this will give it an easier start at a good, twistless wrap. As you can see, everyone has thier own belly button - I mean opinion - and they can all be different. Take what's offered and find what works for you. Then go have fun swinging it! Best of luck!

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I have two dry fly saddles that twist no mater what I do. I’ve tried everything to get them to wind those nice straight wraps. No go. I still use them on flys for myself, they fish catch  🐠 just as good as the “pretty ones”. 


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