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Fly Tying
Greg Stine

Fly tiers in the United States

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Anybody care to guess the number of fly tiers in the U.K. Next?

I think we have 10 or so members on this site from there ... so I guess 10 or so.

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Original post asked for a guess and not a real number, for once I went back and checked. As a conversation starter, it's a good one. But you might ask how many blades of grass are in a lawn.

Are jig makers considered fly tyers? How about people that dress treble hooks for spinners? Do people tie and not fish? Throw as many college words in a paragraph as you can and it still doesn't make it a reasonable question because there are too many variables. A number of people who are estimated to fly fish multiplied by a guess divided by another guess gets you very close to a random number.

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I would be curious about what percentage of fly fishermen are also tiers? Judging from people I've spoken with on the water arround these parts I would guess about half? Apologies Greg if this derails the thread to much.

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For the next topic, can we discuss which hook is the best? Like which brand first, then next barb or no barb. biggrin.png ph34r.png


Where's the popcorn emoji when you need it?

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Throw as many college words in a paragraph as you can and it still doesn't make it a reasonable question because there are too many variables.


For the next topic, can we discuss which hook is the best? Like which brand first, then next barb or no barb. biggrin.png ph34r.png


Where's the popcorn emoji when you need it?


mellow.png Okay ... so all questions that include ANY variables are hereby banned from this site. mad.gif

wacko.png Only questions that have definite answers with no options for logical or emotional arguments will be allowed. dry.png


ohmy.png Oh, but wait !!! If there are no variables, and only definite answers ... then why ask the question?

Just go find answer, it's out there.ph34r.png


If people keep denigrating questions they can't answer ... then others stop asking questions for fear theirs will seem equally unwelcome.rolleyes.gif

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What's the ratio of right hand tyers to left handed tyers?


How many tyers wrap thread towards themselves vs away from themselves?


How many tyers tie on the kitchen table?

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I said it was good for discussion. It has generated a good deal of that, some interesting stats are being tossed in. I just also pointed out that there is no way of logically coming up with anything other than a WAG.


As for flytire's question about thread wraps, unless you have the eye of the hook facing you or away from you, everyone always does both.

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Ah, but the term "wrap" implies that you must then return the thread towards you in order to make the next wrap.

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I only wrap away from me never towards never both



I find my flies hold up better if I wrap away from me and then towards me if the bobbin is above the fly, but just the opposite if I start with the bobbin below the fly.




Sometimes I switch up and do figure of eight turns around the wings or barbell eyes to really confuse things.

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I have a question for flytire. Does Sasquatch hair make good dubbing?


very good dubbing and he'll eat that bird on your shoulder as a snack

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I only wrap away from me never towards never both



I find my flies hold up better if I wrap away from me and then towards me if the bobbin is above the fly, but just the opposite if I start with the bobbin below the fly.




Sometimes I switch up and do figure of eight turns around the wings or barbell eyes to really confuse things.



Okay whatever you win. fight with somebody else



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