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Fly Tying

Higa's S.O.S. tied in 1 minute...

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The Higa's SOS is one of my favorite go-to nymphs nearly all season long.


Recently saw a lighting fast online video of a fly being tied so I thought I'd try.


It takes me a little longer than 60 seconds to tie, but...

Put together a rapid tying video about a minute long. :)



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Hi Chris,


I love it. Darned, I wish we could tie that fast but after 60+ years of tying we are probably as fast as we are going to get. In fact, as the years unfold we seem to be slowing down a bit. Anyway, good job!. Take care & ...

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Chris, I agree the sos is a awesome pattern, I fished the South Branch of the Asauble river Wednesday, and had fun with a size 16 sos. Now I like to take my time when I tie, so I will never break any records but I love it,


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anybody can tie flies in a minute especially when the video is sped up smile.png


I think that's the whole point!


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The Higa's SOS is one of my favorite go-to nymphs nearly all season long.


Recently saw a lighting fast online video of a fly being tied so I thought I'd try.


It takes me a little longer than 60 seconds to tie, but...

Put together a rapid tying video about a minute long. smile.png





What sizes and color work best for your for trout/ S far I've only tied black an olive.

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What sizes and color work best for your for trout? So far I've only tied black an olive.


Size depends on what they're eating. The SOS was originally a baetis pattern, and baetis are really small, like 18 or 20, but they don't just take the SOS for a baetis.


Color doesn't usually matter all that much, to be honest.


It's just a buggy fly that gets noticed. It looks like food, and if you make it act like food in the water trout will oblige. I tie and fish them in 14 and 16 and do pretty well.

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anybody can tie flies in a minute especially when the video is sped up smile.png


Just what I was going to say. It could have been 15 minutes live. lol.


Here is Charlie Craven tying a honest 2 minute parachute adams.





I was never under the impression that anyone gave a rip how long it takes me to tie one. The point of the 1 minute speed tie is that it can be watched quickly.

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I appreciate the speedup. Similar to some cooking recipes, I'm not looking to follow along in real-time, I'd rather see the materials and methods in case I want to give it a go myself. I often watch YouTube videos with no sound for that very reason. I don't need someone to say, "...and now I'll wrap thread to the point of the hook...".

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What sizes and color work best for your for trout? So far I've only tied black an olive.

Around here, the original black/red tied on a #14 curved scud hook is the ticket.

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AK Best said the secret to tying fast is to cut, measure and lay out everything before hand, where you will know things are located. Keep scissors in hand, whip finish by hand, and varnish in batches.


I have learned in surgery that speed requires leaving out pauses and flowing from step to step. You should have each step mapped out in your mind, anticipaing any problems that may arise, and be prepared if they occur.


It is the same thought process.

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