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Fly Tying

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This fly has been in the making for a while now. Paul from the youtube channel Killer Fuz contacted me about his idea for making a fly on a worm hook. One that will be fully weedless. I had already wanted a good sunfish imitation, so I started tying it. Then I came up with adding the orange beads for both a rattle and to insure it swims hook point up, or keeled. It took quite a few tries though to get this just right, and the first time I tried fishing this, I was getting fouled on my fly line because there wasn't enough stiff materials to keep the line from wrapping around. However, with the addition of the Faux bucktail, this issue has been fixed. I am very happy to say, this is the final version of the fly. Well I take that back, I found out that I liked using Coq de Leon soft hackle feathers instead of shlappen for the body feather. But, all in all this is my final version of the fly and I could not be happier.


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