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Fly Tying
Bryon Anderson

Crayfish & Co. Swap

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Quick update guys -- I'm going to leave the swap open for people to sign up through this weekend, then cap it at however many are signed up by Sunday night. I know a couple of you have sent your 12 flies already -- if we end up with less than a full swap, I will send your extra flies back to you when I mail everything out. Hopefully we'll get 3 more this week and have a full swap!

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Sounds good Byron. Mine are complete, will hold off until Monday for a final count before mailing them.

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Okay ... this picture shows the difference between the attempts I made earlier in the week (bottom) and what I was able to come up with today.

2020 Richmond Flies 006.jpg


I found some size 8 hooks that look much better. So, I'll be tying up enough tomorrow. I should be able to get them in the mail Monday or Tuesday.

2020 Richmond Flies 005.jpg

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Anybody heard from Bryon in the last three days? I PM'd him for an address and have gotten no response. I'm not in any hurry, so, if all is well, I can wait.

Just wondering.

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Not yet, thank you. The deadline is still a week and a half away, so I'll wait for a few more days. I'm not "concerned", yet. Curious, is all.

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Hi guys -- sorry for my absence from this thread for the last few days. Work sent me to Detroit for a couple days, and I have been preoccupied, but fear not, your SM survived the urban experience! smile.png


It looks like we are now locked in at 9 swappers plus the SM for a total of ten, so everyone who still has flies to send in will need to send 9 of your chosen pattern.


Mike, I am thrilled that you were able to tie up some of your panfish attractors for us! I have PM-ed you my mailing address. smile.png


Thanks again to everyone who signed up -- I look forward to an excellent fly set!

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I also tied the full dozen, as that seems to be the general sentiment; packed and ready for the mail tomorrow.



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