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Remembering Gary Lafountaine

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It has been 18 years since Gary LaFountaine passed.

I suppose many of the new fly fishers on this BB don't recognize the name, but those of us who have been at this a while understand that we lost a unique fly fishing author who introduced the methods and patterns for fly fishing for caddis that are now taken for granted.

Here is a conversation with Gary for those of us that still remember him and those newbies who should know about him.


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Thanks for posting this enjoyable interview SilverCreek. 
Gary is on my top 10 list of fly fishing authors.

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Grampa, I went to Wikipedia to find the answer to your question but was shocked to find that A.K. Best has no mention, other than co-author on  couple of John Gierach's books.  You would think a person with Mr. Best's talents and reputation would have his own page.

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