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Nymph and trout buzzer swap

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i tried to convince squatch that we could come out of fly swap retirement for this one but he said.....


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2 minutes ago, flytire said:

i tried to convince squatch that we could come out of fly swap retirement for this one but he said.....

OH bummer, I'd love to see some squatch buzzers.

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my flies are done, if you PM me your address I'll get them in the mail

thanks for hosting


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Your in Mark, thanks for joining! If we wind up with 6 people or less we will tie two different patterns, I’ll give it until the end of the week and cut it off. Let me know what you guys think

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Shmang, got you down. I have a few people done with their flies so we will just leave it at one Fly per swapper, unless you guys feel like tying two patterns

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16 hours ago, Mark Knapp said:

OH bummer, I'd love to see some squatch buzzers.

spend a day in the woods with squatch and you'll definately see some buzzers! 😀

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51 minutes ago, flytire said:

i have one for you too


Wait, where'd you get those masks. Do you have one for Squatch, I'd hate to see anything happen to him.

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I don't mind tying two sets of flies, I can use the practice. I'll do PTN ans GRHE ( I hate it when people use acronyms I don't know, and while I'm sure you all know, I won't assume anything)

Pheasant Tail Nymph and Gold Rib Hares Ear

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1 hour ago, Mark Knapp said:

Wait, where'd you get those masks. Do you have one for Squatch, I'd hate to see anything happen to him.

yes squatch has a mask and is practicing social distancing from other animals in the forest

he did have to shave a bit for a tight seal 👍

squatch wears goggles to prevent sneeze droplets from bambi getting into his eyes. another way to get infected


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sorry for going off track a bit

to make up for our mistakes, squatch and i will keep our masks on and come out of retirement and tie a dozen flies for the swap

i'll tie a "chromie" pattern


i'm only tying 12 flies so if the swap doesnt fill up, please keep any extras for yourself

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50 minutes ago, flytire said:


sorry for going off track a bit

to make up for our mistakes, squatch and i will keep our masks on and come out of retirement and tie a dozen flies for the swap

i'll tie a "chromie" pattern



i'm only tying 12 flies so if the swap doesnt fill up, please keep any extras for yourself

Those are nice, thanks for jumping in. I'm not the miester, I just appreciate you being in.

Lovin' the Squatches PPE

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