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Fly Tying
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Jacks Grampa

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First fish is on his great great grandmothers old cane pole that I started on over 60 years ago. Then this is the first fly the kid tied and the trout that ate the fly. Installed a pretty big grin.  

first fish.jpg

Jack and fly.JPG

jack + trout.JPG

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Yep, that's exactly what I was looking for. Love those pictures. Especially the smiles. You're a great Grandpa.

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I miss those days.  Kids are grown and too busy to have me any grandkids yet.  Great job.  Cute grandkids!

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2 hours ago, DarrellP said:

I miss those days.  Kids are grown and too busy to have me any grandkids yet.  Great job.  Cute grandkids!

They don't have to be related. Check some local Boy/Cub scout packs. I helped a young man get started fly tying and fly fishing about 30 years ago. I got a Christmas card from him some years later with a picture of him fishing with his son. Pass this stuff on. I know I've passed on worse habits. 

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I am so glad there are people like you guys, who are willing to entertain kids and keep them away from me!

Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!

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On 4/22/2020 at 11:35 AM, mikechell said:

I am so glad there are people like you guys, who are willing to entertain kids and keep them away from me!

Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!

Hey you young whippersnappers...Gettoffa my lawn...🤪

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26 minutes ago, mikechell said:

"There's plenty of other neighborhoods.  Why are you playing in MINE?"

It's more fun to play where you know it bugs a cranky old curmudgeon. Why fish in water that has no fish?

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Have 6 out of 9 grandkids who like to fish. 14 yo grandson is into hunting and fishing. Got him a fly rod outfit for his birthday. Our local TU chapter has a monthly session for fly rod and tackle basics, fly casting, bug sampling to show what trout eat. Grandson had a good time and wants to go back.

Saw this- Get your kids into hunting and fishing! Then they won't have any money for drugs or alcohol!

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