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Fly Tying
Gene L

Six month restart

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In the middle of December, I got sick.  Dehydrated, blood loss, fell down in my yard and couldn't get up under my own power.  Spent 10 days in hospital and physical rehab.  Anyway, although I brought my vise to the rehab center, didn't tie a fly.  I've been out of the hobby since 15 December.  Got C.DIFF in rehab (I think) and my mind was definitely not on tying.

But last week, I decided to give it a try.  This is the 11th fly I've tied and I'm relearning old skills and was surprised at how much I'd forgotten and how little I retained. With the other 10,  each fly was a learning experience as was this one.  Still learning.

So any helpful criticism will be helpful.  Thanks in advance.  Size 12,  calf bory hair, moose tail.


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Glad you made it, keep going, a dozen of this, a dozen of that, and you'll be cooking with gas soon enough.

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Good to see you posting Gene L, fly looks fine, I would put  it in my box without hesitation. Keep on the mend, a lot of people get c diff or other superbugs at the hospital or rehab's nowadays.

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I hope you get to feeling 100%, Ill keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  As for the fly, that’s something anyone would be proud of if they tied. I think this needs no criticism, it’s a fantastic tie!  :)  

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Welcome back and ... DRINK WATER !!!

Nice looking fly.  Like riding a bike, I guess?

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Welcome back! Glad your feeling better and that tie looks as good as I can do. Forgettting stuff is just temporary I think so your good to go.

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