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Fly Tying

PA fisherman

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I used to live in Pittsburgh until i moved to Florida where all the sunshine is. biggrin.gif

I did most of my fishing in PA. If you dont mind traveling a little there are some great places in PA. Some of the places where i had the most success would be in the Laurel Highlands, and the Youghiogheny River. I could type a 2000 word reply on places to fish in western PA. PM me if you would like some more info. Where at in western PA?



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jefferson county,pa here. home county of the famous ( in famous ) Punxsy Phil .

I mainly fish Redbank Creek and it's North Fork fly fishing area.

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Originally from Pittsburgh, now from central PA, cumberland county. I fish all of PA.


Pennsylvania: God's gift to fly fisherman



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Pittsburgh in the house baby, YEAH!!


Hey atroutbum2, I live in the 'Rocks, let's hit the water sometime! There are more W. PA'ers here too!

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