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Fly Tying

flies to use

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hi i'm new to flyfishing and live in southwestern new york, and fish the genesse river and cohocton rivers, i'm wondering what patterns to use , in all catagories, dry, wet, streamers, and how to tie them. i'm fishing for browns and rainbows!

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The first thing I would do is find out what bugs live in those rivers and then get an emergence schedule for that geographic area. Then you'll know when and what you'll need to tie. I'm not familiar with what work and what doesn't there but that is a good starting point. Your local fly shop or TU chapter should be able to point you in the right direction.

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Well, I know the Genesse is a decent steelhead river. If you are interested in doing this type of fishing, that opens up a whole other world of patterns. Egg flies, flashy attractor patterns, larger streamers, spey flies, etc.


Take a look at this site to get some ideas and tying instructions in this direction;






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What part of the Genesee are you going to fish? The upper end has some great hatches. March Browns and Hendricksons are good. Then the old stand by Adams and caddis flys are always good. Different sizes on the Adams and colors on the caddis. Tan and olive are always good.



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