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Fly Tying

For the cheap at heart

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My staff if 57" long (I like a long staff over a short one) and the strap is 19.5" from wood to the end of an aluminum d-ring snap. I just clip it a wader strap, a sling pack strap or a wading belt depending on how I'm traveling. It floats so I've never tripped over it and I really don't take a single step without using it. Doesn't get in the way of anything and is really no burden at all when fishing. Great for holding the pickers back on the walk to the water as well.

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5 hours ago, Bill_729 said:

I gave myself my 2nd "pandemic haircut" today . . .  my new hair clipper

Careful... You can get carried away with those things...



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@Poopdeck For the tip- self drilling hex head sheet metal screw. It’ll go right in and give a good grip on rocks. 

before you put the screw in, put a hose clamp on the end of the wood; it’ll make screw-in against the grain much easier. Then trim the  metal tag end on the hose clamp and leave it there. It’ll prevent splitting.


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11 hours ago, Poopdeck said:

My staff if 57" long (I like a long staff over a short one) and the strap is 19.5" from wood to the end of an aluminum d-ring snap. I just clip it a wader strap, a sling pack strap or a wading belt depending on how I'm traveling. It floats so I've never tripped over it and I really don't take a single step without using it. Doesn't get in the way of anything and is really no burden at all when fishing. Great for holding the pickers back on the walk to the water as well.

Thank you for sharing the details. I think it's worth a try. I'll go search for the walking staffs that were given to me as gifts.   I don't know if this might be helpful to anyone, but one thing I found helpful is an 8" plastic step that I place on the ground before I put on or remove my waders.  It helps to simplify things giving by something to "push against" while I'm sitting in the back of the SUV.   I don't know why or where my wife got it from, but I took possession of it (which simply means I keep it in the back of the vehicle). It weighs about 1/2 pound and has some friction tape on top.  Perhaps it was originally designed to help a toddler step into a vehicle? It may be worth a couple of bucks if you see one.

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You guys keep playing with your staffs and you'll go blind.  Or get hair on your palms.  Something like that.

As for cheap ... Dollar Tree has some neat, new-color, mesh tube in for Halloween.

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On 8/11/2020 at 9:10 PM, Poopdeck said:

I'm cheap. I don't like spending money. I also don't like carrying an entire fly shop when I'm wading, preferring instead a couple simple boxes to put in my shirt pockets and a lanyard connected to my wader straps while I chuckle under my breath at those wearing a 20 drawer chest box. I am calmed by carrying only what I convince myself I need without ever a worry about what I don't have.   Problem is small compact fly boxes that are worth a crap, are not bulky and do not cost what I consider a small fortune is one of those fly fishing unicorns. I always relied on altoid tins and the like but they are far from perfect. Low and behold my bride of 33 years walks in the door with a pack of gum in a case that immediately catches my eye. Hurry up and chew that gum and give me the case I shout. After a couple weeks of testing I declare them perfect for my needs. Light, compact, durable and fits perfectly in the pockets of a shirt. $2.89 with 35 pieces of gum! YEEEEEWOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEE!  In appreaciation for this find I just gifted my wife two more packs of gum. She is a lucky women. 



good God almighty,  BRILLIANT!!!  If I could get my wife of 30 years to chew 30 pieces of gum she might not talk long enough for me to get some peace and quiet!!   :D :D :D :D

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On 8/16/2020 at 3:52 AM, Bill_729 said:


Ha! What, you don't like shoeboxes!?!   Since I mentioned that I spent $7 on my tote from Harbor Freight, it's probably apparent that I have moved on to the "land of milk and honey"... As the kids say, YOLO ("You only live once...")!   : )   Actually, I have an aluminum fly box that I probably spent about 2 hours wages on from the 1970s, which is easy to tote, and a greeting card box I use for some of my fly over-stock (the latter being flat, well-worn, and also my first fly box).

I just use an "empty" peanut butter jar.    Dump a bunch of flies in, shake it, and they all stick to the sides.    Nice and neat.  One layer deep.  

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21 hours ago, JSzymczyk said:

I just use an "empty" peanut butter jar.    Dump a bunch of flies in, shake it, and they all stick to the sides.    Nice and neat.  One layer deep.  

I guess I'm more of a neatness freak--I like em lined up for rollcall!     And, I like to make absolutely sure none end up on the floor without my knowledge.  For instance, I have a bunch of tiny flies stuck into a small piece of foam. It would even fit into a peanut butter jar (hint, hint) ! : )


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