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Another Regular Visitor or 2

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These guys are just 2 of the 4 regulars behind the house whose pictures I took yesterday afternoon during the cocktail hour. One little guy and a bigger guy. No photo YET of the other big and bigger visitors. There is one equal to the bigger of the 2 shown here and another whose antlers would easily surround this big one's picture. They were there but never showed themselves well enough for a photo. I will get those pictures, it just requires patience and preparation on my part. Enjoy !!!!




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Camera? I have a friend who takes some outstanding wildlife photos with a trail camera.  He has taught classes in using trail cameras. Interesting what can be seen in the wild or the suburban setting.

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Actually I sit on the deck with my camera in hand and take advantage of whatever happens by...usually at the cocktail hour🍷🍺🥃 😎

It is a Nikon D3000 I've had for quite a while. The lens in this case was a 55-200 mm Nikkor zoom. When I bought the outfit it also included a 18-55 mm Nikkor zoom as the standard lens. These lenses are their "VR" model...vibration reduction. This makes it possible to shoot even at 200 mm...which is what these photos were shot at...and still get clear photos.

Never owned a trail camera, but I've seen some great work done with them, and the possibilities seem to be endless. I will add the challenge of being there and getting the photo can be as exciting as any outdoor experience I've enjoyed over the last 60 years or so.

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Here’s a few but need to load them up from desktop to get any quality.  Just shots of monitor with iPhone.  Sorry  Got one camera dat does videos, will try that.  Looks like your bigger buck is already hard antler?

Nothing really great. However, 9pt, wide6, tall 6, swide 7, 8...not counting the does, spikes, and, dear old dogs.  Salt/mineral lick been there since ‘93.   Had 1100 pics in 4 days.  Kinda tough in my neighborhood for great trophies.  If they’re legal they get shot and there’s some poor genetics.   They go nocturnal and guy across the creek killed the 2 big 12 pts last year.  Never showed up for me in the daylight.   I’m not into the meat anymore.  Used to kill 4-5 a year but kids and brother are grown or gone.  So I do a little culling waiting for a trophy. 






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I did a bit more work on the photo and as you can see the deer is still in velvet...as you'd expect in August.


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