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jocky McKenzie

Any good for my nymph tying

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Hi all just a quick Question, i have been tying size 12's 14's PTN, Hares Ear N and peacock herl N and when ever but not all the time been using CDC for hackle, i have bought a Metz HEN NECK GRIZZLY (black and white markings) will this be ok for my nymphs and spiders ???



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Can't really tell. Need to pull a feather and wrap it around a shank. There is a technique for using long hackles for shorter collars in which case you can use them all.

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Can be used for nymphs,wets,spyder's as well as hackle tip wings such as the Adams.May want to consider investing in a partridge skin if you tie mostly nymphs and spyder's.

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6 minutes ago, jocky McKenzie said:

it looks a cracking Neck cost me £29 so wanted to see how the quantity was, so yes might just get a Partridge see how i get on 

take care  

If you are referring to the hook, never mind.  If you are referring to the bird feather for a soft hackle you may want to try quail as a substitute and save your self a few quid!

As far as the Metz neck goes - I'd tie with it!


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Your #1 cape should have smaller sized feathers for tying nymph collars and such.  I've been using grizzly hen hackle feathers to tie dark wings on dry fly adams as well.  I'm sure there's going to plenty of uses for these over time.

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