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Fly Tying
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First married wing

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When I first started tying, I was always impressed with married wing flies, and honestly never thought I would have been ever skilled enough to even get a decent wing tied let alone a married wing. Last night I was messing around with mounting wings again, trying out a trick I saw that was posted here like 15 years ago. It uses dental floss threaders to do the mounting. I was trying that out, and having also watched some tiers marrying wings; “eff it” I thought and cut some slips from my ozark turkey quill and ozark turkey tail, and eventually got two sections married. So today I was a tad bored after doing dishes, cleaning the serious of high velocity fans I have to move heat around the house. So I cut more slips, freestyle tied a fly, and we’ll see for yourself. 


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I've worked an hour just to get a married tail feather and then I look at some guys Atlantic Salmon fly with 4 or 5 different colored feathers  tied together. I'm convinced that zipper technique that puts them together just like velcro is myth spawned back in the days of sweat shops working slaves for hours gluing the feathers together.


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