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Dyna-King Standard Jaws

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Hello all,

I am thinking about purchasing a Dyna-King X-1 or Trekker.I plan on tying mostly Smallmouth flies (streamers, bass bugs, Gamechangers) in sizes 10 to 1/0. For those who have Dyna-King Vises are there any pros and cons for tying these sizes or style flies with the Dyna-King jaws?

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My Dyna-King Sidewinder came with standard jaws, and I can go much smaller and larger than your range.  They are a lifetime investment, mine is over 25 years about 27 years old, maybe more, I traded for it used.  Still have no problems with it.   The trick to all the Dyna-King vises is the detend in the clamping arm.  Properly adjusted one of the three grooves in the jaw will hold a large range of hooks firmly.  Learning how to adjust and clamp the jaws is the a little bit different than some other vises.  The first owner didn't learn how to properly close the jaws into the detent, and damaged the forcing collet.  Dyna-King replaced it for me at no charge.  My second favorite vise ever.  

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Thank you! I feel better going forward. Now I just have to choose between the Trekker and x-1 also might think about the Supreme.

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Dyna-King owner here. No cons at all only pros.Dyna-King vises are the real deal. 

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@mnesbit    Sandan is one of those fastidious guys that keeps his Dyna King vise in pristine condition.

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I have the Trekker and am quite happy with it. I think you'll find the hook gaps in the jaws great for those bigger smallmouth flies. As others have said, you can get down to those smaller flies as well with the standard jaws... I've tied #24's with it which I believe is smaller than what Dyan King lists/suggests. No problems at all. Great vise, can't recommend it enough. 

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