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iPhone 12

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On 3/27/2021 at 12:03 AM, denduke said:

No charger came with phone and Apple changed the cord end,   Grrrr   


I just don't understand why people put up with Apple.  My daughter went through 3 of them that broke down under warranty.  My wife got one a while back and hated it so much she went back to a new Samsung and loves it.  At work over the years they issued Blackberrys, Motorolas, and Apples (with Blackberry security software).  Apples were always the worst.  I had 2 of them break down under warranty.  None of  the others ever broke down but after 2 years were replaced anyway.  Out of them all the Blackberrys were absolutely the best and my favorites and the Apples were absolutely the worst.  I've had a variety of personal phones with none of them ever being an Apple.

I don't get it.

Anyway, congratulations and good luck with it!

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20 minutes ago, denduke said:

after I heard it tumbling in the clothes drier which meant it had already been thru the washer


😲😄 Not funny because I know that cost you $$$, but imagining you hearing the thumping in the dryer did make me chuckle a bit lol.

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My Google Pixel 3a was $350 three years ago so it wasn't an expensive one.  Even though I don't like smart phones I'd cry if I put it through the washer today.  I'll probably get another 3 years out of it if I'm careful.  It's the best smart phone I've bought.  (The employer issued Blackberrys were even better.)

You've taken some nice pictures there denduke!

Update: Surpassed 4 years now.  Did TIMEX make it?  :)

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