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Fly Tying

Shiny black dubbing

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5 hours ago, SBPatt said:

I cut cheap, craft store acrylic yarn into 3/4” pieces and run them through the coffee grinder.  Works great as dubbing on dries down to #14’s; anything smaller and I usually use rabbit.




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non dubbing options

black antron yarn


black zlon/darlon



black thread/uni stretch coated with uv resin


black mylar tinsel/krystal flash


black spanflex


black wire


black deer hair


black bear hair


black doll hair


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On 9/19/2021 at 11:30 PM, Alc609 said:

I’m trying to find a shiny black dubbing for dry flies, I’ve used Superfine, Fly Rite, and others, but all seems dull. I’m not looking for sparkling like ice dub, just a shiny finish body. Any suggestions?

Been gone on a section AT hike, but thanks for all the input. Mixed some black Antron in with black superfine and it works pretty good. Also tried a pinch of black ice peacock in a batch and it gave it a buggy look. Can you buy Antron yarn to make your own? Or is it called a different name in yarns?

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Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, Antron is a trade name for trilobal yarn, which are used primarily for carpet fibers.  For your stated, intended use (to simply add highlights to dubbing), I would think any synthetic, sparkly yarn could be used.   

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I did not know that. So Antron is just a fiber used for other purposes, but acrylic yarn would give similar effects if used the same way?

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Yes.  IMO, you don't need to use Antron, just a shiny synthetic. Some synthetic yarns will have more shine or sparkle than others.  


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6 hours ago, Connor said:

Try this. It is not sparkly but has a slight metallic sheen. Attached is the claret version of it. 



I tried it today, I like it. Haven’t got it in black yet but it dubs great. Also FTD Bill Frawg black works well

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