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October Flies From The Vise

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Muddled Humpy





A Mumpy.  When I first tied the tail in, I thought it was too long. Every step after I thought the same thing and debated starting over; instead I lengthened the shoulder (first time I used an even longer rump feather but it threw off the balance) and it made everything flow together better.

hook - WFC Model 6 #8
thread - Uni 6/0 tan
tail - elk hair
body - Ice Dub hare’s ear 
shellback - deer hair
shoulder - pheasant rump
head/collar - deer hair


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I made this up and actually caught fish on it on a tough day.   I think what gets them is the proven color scheme (from the old wooly worms) and the high contrast ribbing.

Tail: UV red marabou

Body: black dubbing

Rib: tan sparkle braid (spaced it so the rib and the black bands have equal width)

Thorax: pearl Ice Dub

Hackle: Grey brahma hen

Collar: peacock dubbing

Thread hot spot neck: white Glo Brite


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7 hours ago, SBPatt said:

body - Ice Dub hare’s ear 

I love that material.  I use the Peacock a lot for caddis pupa patterns.

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25 minutes ago, troutmaster08 said:

Super simple bass fly with just cactus chenille and ice dub.


I love that idea.  I've been thinking about just hanging some chenille off a hook (in this case "mop" chenille which was skinnier than I expected) for some movement and came up with the attached for an October Caddis:

Abdomen/tail: UV Galaxy Mop Chenille (fluorescent orange)

Barred dark ginger hen hackle

Thorax: hare's ear (natural)

Antennae: pheasant tail


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Good looking flies. 

@troutmaster08 - do you add any weight to that, and is that a single strand of cactus chenille trailing off the back or is it furled?

@terp - reminds me a little of a red tag What kind of bead is that?

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1 hour ago, niveker said:


@terp - reminds me a little of a red tag What kind of bead is that?

Niveker, it's a big boy -- Hareline slotted black nickel 7/32".  I have some jig hooks that I wanted to use.  I switched from jig hooks to normal hooks because there are so many more options.  I like mainly Hanak, Umpqua and Firehole.  But to use those non-jig hooks, I've switched to inverting or "insta jig" beads.

I prefer buying my beads here due to the excellent price and how much I've learned from books/articles/videos by the owner, Devin Olsen: https://www.tacticalflyfisher.com/fly-tying/fly-tying-beads/tungsten-beads-cones-etc/

However, his equivalent (he calls them "Inverting" beads because they invert the fly) top out at 4mm, which is just over 1/3 the weight of Hareline's 7/32" Insta Jig.

I weigh my beads/flies using a small jewler's scale (got the idea from Devin Olsen's book), and 4mm is 8.5 grains while 7/32 is 22 grains.  Here is my scale: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012TDNAM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Edited by terp
realized I had used a different bead!

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Hybrid of old wooly worm color scheme and the form of a new Euro-jig style wooly bugger with marabou tail.

Tail: UV red marabou

Body: black dubbing

Ribbing: tan Midge Sparkle Braid (I love this stuff -- https://www.flyfishfood.com/products/midge-sparkle-braid )

Hackle: grizzly

Head: a touch of FTD Sand Crab Dubbing, Crawdad (was hoping to add some leggage but it didn't dub well for the small area on the hook)

Collar: grey CDC (haven't seen this added to this style of jig fly but it sure seems to work on nymph patterns)


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Public Enemy #1

Hook - Mustad 3906, 3906B, 9671, 9672 or equivalent, size 12-16

Thread - Black

Tail - Grizzly hackle fibers

Body - Stripped grizzly hackle stem

Thorax - Black ostrich herl

Throat - Deer hair 

Wing - Grizzly hackle tips


Flies - The Best One Thousand - Randle Scott Stetzer

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